Ways Technical Debt Can Threaten Cyber Security Posture

Ways Technical Debt Can Threaten Cyber Security Posture

Technical debt has been the biggest challenge for firms, making operating and enhancing cyber security posture difficult.

Many firms are burdened by increased technical debt, and its cost is increasingly becoming a challenge for them.

As per a report by vFunction, the cost of as the cost of fixing technical debt today, stands at USD 1.52 trillion. This happens because firms opt for quicker, less thorough software development methods.

This may lead to gaps in security and leave apps vulnerable to breaches. So, tackling technical debt is vital for a resilient and secure cyber security posture. once it is taken care of, firms can:

  • assign resources
  • prioritize tasks
  • develop a reliable approach to improve their cyber security posture.

What Causes Technical Debt?

It is the cost of additional rework caused by opting an easy or quick solution rather than a longer and better one. Basically, it represents the trade-off between short term benefits and long term costs.

Various factors can cause technical debt-

  • rapid development pace
  • lack of a coherent design strategy
  • underestimation of the complexity of a system
  • evolving requirements
  • the decision to use deprecated or less capable technology to meet project timelines.

Not all technical debt is bad, as it can enable faster time to market. But, it requires careful management to prevent future spiralling costs and project delays.

Also read: Resilient cyber security posture for enterprises

How Technical Debt Threatens Cyber Security?

  • Gaps in Outdated Software

Quick fixes often involve using outdated or non-standard software elements, which may not be regularly updated or patched. This leaves systems liable to known vulnerabilities, which attackers can exploit.

  • Compromised System Integrity and Complex Patches

Accumulated technical debt leads to complex systems, which are hard to update or patch. The more intricate the system, the higher the chance that a security patch could present new vulnerabilities or impact system integrity.

  • Increased Attack Surface

Every shortcut or temporary solution adds another risk layer to an attack surface. Attackers can exploit these weak points to infiltrate systems or exfiltrate data.

  • Slowed Response to Threats

High levels of technical debt can bring down IT departments. It makes it challenging for them to respond swiftly to emerging threats. This delayed reaction time can be critical in preventing or mitigating threats.

  • Resource Drain

Managing and mitigating technical debt consumes many resources. This could otherwise help improve security measures or adopt new solutions. This diversion of attention and resources could weaken the cyber security posture.

  • Erosion of Developer Morale

Dealing with the aftermath of technical debt can demotivate and burn out development teams.

Moreover, as per a report by vFunction,

onboarding new staff members to understand the overall system can take 3-6 months.

All these factors can lead to a decline in code quality and further compromise security.

  • Compliance Challenges

Technical debt can make it tough for firms to comply with regulations and standards. Non-compliance invites legal and financial penalties and exposes the firms to threats.

Maintaining a balance between development velocity and sustainability is vital. This helps minimize technical debt and its associated cyber security risks. It requires strategic planning, consistent effort, and a culture that values security as much as innovation and speed.

How to Avoid Technical Debt from Threatening Cyber Security?

  • Focus on Debt Reduction

Firms must focus on technical debt along with new feature development. Integrate debt reduction into the development cycles to manage it properly.

  • Adopt a Security First Culture

Integrate security practices from the onset of any project. This involves adopting secure coding practices, running regular security audits, and focusing on security fixes. A security first attitude ensures that technical debt doesn’t hinder cyber security.

  • Review Codes

Review the code entirely. Focus on functionality, security, and scalability. This prevents rising technical debt that might later impact the security posture.

  • Automate

Automation tools can help find security gaps and flaws early in the development process. CI/CD pipelines, static code analysis tools, and automated testing can help reduce technical debt.

  • Update and Refactor Code Regularly

Updating software and refactoring code improves efficiency and prevents technical debt. This also includes updating third party libraries and dependencies to address security gaps.

  • Educate the Team

Ensure that all team members know the importance of maintaining low technical debt. Also, communicate its impact on cyber security. Education should cover-

  • secure coding practices
  • the importance of regular code reviews
  • strategies for managing existing debt
  • Establish a Technical Debt Register

Maintain a register or backlog of known technical debt items, including potential security issues. Regularly review and prioritize these items for resolution based on their likely impact.

  • Strategic Planning and Investment

Recognize that reducing technical debt and securing the systems is an ongoing investment. Divide resources not just for new projects but also for maintaining and securing existing systems.

With these strategies, firms can manage and reduce technical debt. This helps strengthen the cyber security posture and minimize risks associated with susceptibilities and obsolete practices.


The synergy between addressing technical debt and bolstering cyber security is a continuous effort. Firms must cultivate a proactive mindset to foster a union between development and security teams.

Key strategies are:

  • prioritizing debt reduction,
  • security-first mindset and
  • education of the team

Also, maintaining a debt register and engaging in strategic planning can help reduce technical debt.

These measures secure systems and promote sustainable development practices. This also ensures long-term stability and resilience against cyber threats. Adopting these strategies enables firms to balance innovation and security.

This way firms can ensure that the technical debt does not compromise their cyber security posture.

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