Mitigating Rising Bot Attacks with a Robust Bot Management Solution


Today, bad bots are becoming better at mimicking human behavior. Bots can now intelligently generate seemingly random human activities like keystrokes and clicks by using AI and ML. Therefore, a bot manager powered by AI and capable of leveraging ML is now required to combat these sophisticated bots.

The surge in automated attacks has increased the necessity for bot management. Early bot usage was restricted to spamming or insignificant scraping attempts. Things are very different now. Bots are being utilized to launch DDoS attacks, hijack people’s accounts abuse APIs, and more.

Companies aren’t implementing bot management solutions despite serious threats. Many continue to be in denial. These companies are putting user security at risk by attempting to control bots with internal tools and resources.

Bad Bots Can Mimic Human Behaviour 

Bot management is difficult and needs specialized technology supported by experts who are well-versed in both good and bad bot behaviors. These bots can imitate human behavior like keystrokes and mouse clicks to avoid security measures already in place.

Sophisticated bots can connect using random IPs to avoid detection and are dispersed across thousands of device IDs or IP addresses. These covert actions to prevent detection don’t end there. These sophisticated bot programs are aware of the steps businesses take to stop them. They are aware that, along with IP addresses, they can exploit geographic location too. Bots use a variety of user agent combinations to avoid internal security measures.

In-house solutions fall short because they lack visibility into various bot types. These systems lack global threat intelligence and operate solely on data gathered from internal sources. Bot management is a specialized field that requires in-depth knowledge and research to stay ahead of notorious threat actors.

Also Read: Enterprises Are Facing Bot Attacks Owing to Cyber security Overconfidence

When faced with bad bots, most businesses first deploy in-house measures. To their dismay, internal solutions often fail to identify complex bot patterns.

Challenge-Response Authentication 

Businesses can screen first-generation bots with the aid of challenge-response authentication. Challenge-response authentications come in a variety of forms, with CAPTCHAs being the most popular. However, challenge-response authentication only works to filter outdated browsers and user agents as well as simple automated scripts; it is unable to thwart advanced bots that can imitate human behavior.

Authentication Procedures on APIs

As APIs become more widely used, bot attacks on APIs that aren’t well-secured are becoming more frequent. APIs often simply check the status of authentication, not the user’s authenticity. Threat actors use a variety of techniques to exploit these flaws, such as account aggregation and session hijacking to mimic legitimate API calls. Strict authentication procedures on APIs can aid in preventing security lapses.

Also Read: The Risks of Undiscovered Bot Attacks: Ways to Detect and Mitigate Them

Track Login Attempts and Increases in Traffic

Bad bots are used by cybercriminals to carry out attacks on login sites, such as credential cracking and credential stuffing. Such methods lead to more failed login attempts since they require different user IDs and password combinations or various credentials. The website’s traffic also unexpectedly increases when bad bots are present. Businesses can take preventative steps before bad bots infiltrate the web applications by keeping track of failed login attempts and an unexpected increase in traffic.

Robust Bot Management Solution

Sophisticated bots can spread across hundreds of IP addresses and attack the company in a number of different ways. They can carry out low-level, slow attacks or launch distributed attacks that can cause outages. Real-time detection and mitigation of such automated, sophisticated activities are made possible by a robust bot management solution.

By preventing access, a bot manager safeguards websites, APIs, and mobile apps from unwanted or bad bot traffic. It does this while letting through both good bots and bots added to the “allow” list by companies. Bot management software that is effective will free up IT resources while defending the company against damaging cyber-attacks.

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