Proactively Defending Against the Next Wave of Threats with Collective Defense


Cyber threats are becoming an inherent side effect of employing digital technologies for business operations. Even companies that have not yet experienced the direct impact of a cyber-attack could one day fall prey to a ransomware attack, supply chain hack or compromise of a third-party vendor.

There is ample evidence of the rise of well-funded, well-armed nation-state threat actors capable of wreaking havoc on both public and private sector enterprises. It is essential for businesses to reconsider how they safeguard their systems and networks beyond simply adding more complex layers of IT and security architecture in the face of the impending shadow of cyber-attacks across all important industries.

Collective Defense

Due to the rise of ransomware operators, state-sponsored actors, and other adversaries that pose a threat to enterprises across many critical industries, the collective defense cybersecurity strategy is becoming increasingly popular.

Many of an organization’s partners, customers and suppliers may be affected when a key enterprise in one of the critical industries is attacked. Thus, it is crucial to ensure that no enterprise is left alone in their fight to ward off cybercriminals from their networks and systems.

Also Read: Strategies to Strengthen Supply Chain Cyber Security

Intel-driven, Proactive Defense

The sharing of threat intelligence and automated operationalization can change the game by allowing security teams to foresee threats before they have an impact on their organization’s networks and systems in a world where cyber threats are requiring them to devote enormous amounts of time and resources to responding to incidents.

This lessens the likelihood of becoming a victim of cyber-attacks and assists in preventing a number of threats, including malware, attack campaigns, and vulnerabilities from developing into potentially destructive occurrences.

Enterprises can share threat intelligence in real-time using a collective defense strategy, which helps all stakeholders to better understand the situation, recognize the key cyber dangers, and take the necessary precautions to protect their most important assets.

By coordinating threat-hunting efforts utilizing threat intelligence insights gathered from other businesses that experience comparable challenges, it also enables the early detection and prompt response against concealed threats.

Collective Defense Stages

While collaboration and information sharing between various senior management, security functions, and other stakeholders are required for collective defense within an enterprise, the same model can be scaled up to implement defensive strategies based on shared security priorities for enterprises across different industries or even at the global level.

In order to effectively achieve the shared security priorities and goals within an industry and bring private and public enterprises, clients, partners, suppliers, and government entities together to address a variety of cyber threats, it is important to automate threat intelligence analysis.

However, sectoral collaboration is not the only way to engage in collective defense. Sharing communities from many industries can collaborate to utilize real-time information gleaned from specific threats aiming to exploit vulnerabilities in the shared technology infrastructure of businesses across those industries.

Businesses can create a collective defense network that transcends international borders and effectively establishes a combined force involving all pertinent stakeholders in the fight against the threat of organized cybercrime by combining the best of local and global cybersecurity expertise and threat intelligence.

Also Read: Three Best Practices to Identify Cybercrime in a High-Risk Environment

The Way Forward

Collective defense sets the foundation for collaborative threat response against the most concerning cyber threats. To achieve this objective, enterprises must first establish the groundwork for security collaboration and information sharing within their internal teams, and then scale it up even further to track of and collectively protect against the threats that their external stakeholders face.

Organizations in both the private and public sectors are becoming more aware of the necessity of sharing threat intelligence, and global collaborative security projects are expanding. Organizations with diverse levels of security expertise and resources can boost their defensive capabilities for a proactive response to the threats to their operations, assets, and business continuity by instilling a collective defense mindset.

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