Three Security Concerns of Low-code/No-code (LCNC) Development

Three Security Concerns of Low-code/No-code (LCNC) Development

LCNC platforms are a two-edged sword. With LCNC, one can build apps with minimal coding. But, if the process remains unregulated by IT security teams, there could be vulnerabilities.

LCNC development requires minimal coding. It democratizes app building by making it accessible to those with limited or no coding expertise—citizen developers.

While the platforms offer numerous benefits, they are not without risks. One critical concern is the platforms’ accessibility and ease of use. If IT security teams do not oversee LCNC app development, it may lead to deploying apps that have not been thoroughly vetted for security flaws.

Without oversight, the apps could expose sensitive data, offer entry points, or fail to comply with rules and standards.

Therefore, firms must balance the development process with rigorous cyber security measures. This includes-

  • Enforcing strict governance policies.
  • Conducting regular security assessments.
  • Ensuring that IT teams oversee all applications developed using LCNC platforms.

Three security concerns of LCNC development.

Code Injections Handling Failures

LCNC platforms typically allow users to input code directly into the app, increasing the risk of code injection attacks. Code injection is an attack vector that targets apps by inserting malicious code into them.

This code is then executed, altering its intended function and resulting in unauthorized access or data theft. Attackers can use this direct input functionality to execute unauthorized code and trigger malicious actions, such as data deletion.

The inherent non-scalability of LCNC further complicates their security posture. They rely on third-party connectors, components, and services to extend functionality and scale. This dependency introduces additional vectors for attack. This happens as each external service is compromised, serving as a conduit for malicious code injection.


  • To mitigate the risks associated with code injection in LCNC platforms, firms must-
  • Deploy a web application firewall (WAF). A WAF serves as a protective barrier between your application and incoming HTTP traffic. It inspects the HTTP traffic for malicious patterns indicative of injection attacks and blocks them before reaching the app.
  • Adopt a rigorous input validation process. This involves scrutinizing all user inputs to ensure they conform to expected formats and contain no harmful code.
  • Implement secure coding practices and regularly update and patch third-party components and services.

Also read: Use Web Application Firewall (WAF) to Avoid Alert Fatigue

The Risk of Shadow IT

Software development teams have a high level of coordination and a series of processes. These processes help them prevent overlap in efforts and ensure efficiency. They follow stringent guidelines for developing and deploying apps that citizen developers don’t.

Citizen developers often work outside the conventional IT framework. They may attempt to create solutions using automation tools without oversight. They might also use unverified software to achieve functionalities with their platforms.

This practice, known as shadow IT, brings significant security risks. Without governance, shadow IT can lead to data breaches and attacks, hindering a firm’s security and integrity.


To combat these risks, firms must-

  • Maintain an updated inventory of all apps and software utilizations within their domain.
  • Block software installations on devices used by non-IT personnel and set up firewalls to reduce the likelihood of unauthorized applications being used.
  • Route any request to install new software through an IT team member who can evaluate the software for security and compliance.
  • Assign the responsibility of maintaining the software created on LCNC to the IT team or designated technical staff. This includes regular patching and upgrades to safeguard against vulnerabilities.
  • Have specialized IT personnel to test and vet apps developed with LCNC tools. This ensures the tools are effectively integrated without contributing to the shadow IT problem.

Vulnerable Code

The issue of vulnerable code with the growing popularity of LCNC platforms, cannot be overstated. While these platforms eliminate the need for users to write code, they still rely on pre-existing code blocks to function. This becomes an issue when the underlying code is insecure. It propagates vulnerabilities across various apps that firms use.


In response to this issue, firms must-

  • Collaborate with platform vendors. Request for security scanning results specific to the LCNC development platforms they use. This ensures that the platforms do not perpetuate insecure code practices.
  • Inquire about the vendor’s adherence to industry standards and certifications since these LCNC solutions are offered as SaaS. Certifications such as ISO, SOC2, and FedRAMP are benchmarks for security excellence.
  • This helps validate the tools’ security posture and ensures that the platforms are held to the highest standards of data integrity and protection.

Also read: Cloud Technology Can Ease Enterprise Firewall Issues at Scale


LCNC makes app development more accessible. But, this ease of access comes with its set of security concerns like-

  • Possibility of unchecked code leading to vulnerable applications
  • Risk of code injection attacks due to direct user inputs
  • Reliance on third-party components
  • Dangers associated with shadow IT due to the unregulated use of these platforms by citizen developers.

As per a recent report by Horizon Grand View Research, “Global Low-Code Application Development Platform Market Size & Outlook,”

Despite the challenges, the growth of LCNC app development underscores its increasing demand. It also indicates reliance on them to develop applications quickly and with minimal coding expertise.

To ensure the integrity and security of apps developed with LCNC platforms, firms must adopt a proactive approach.

They must-

  • implement strict governance
  • conduct regular security assessments
  • deploy web application firewalls
  • enforce rigorous input validation processes
  • maintain an updated inventory of all apps and software utilizations.
  • collaborate with platform vendors to mitigate risks related to the underlying code.
  • ensure that the vendors adhere to industry standards and certifications.

By balancing the benefits of LCNC platforms and mitigating the risks, firms can ensure that the apps are efficient and resilient against threats.

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