Acuant Merges with Ping Identity’s DaVinci to Deliver Superior Customizable KYC Solutions

Acuant Merge

Acuant, a GBG company and leading identity verification provider, announced a new integration with Ping Identity (NYSE: PING), the intelligent identity solution for the enterprise, leveraging PingOne DaVinci, a no-code identity orchestration service. The partnership will offer Acuant’s best-in-class solutions to enable customization of Know Your Customer (KYC) and identity proofing for a diverse range of customers in various industries.

Acuant joins a growing network of technology partners developing integrations with PingOne DaVinci through the Ping Identity Global Technology Partner Program. Partner solutions that integrate with PingOne DaVinci deliver an improved customer experience in a fraction of the time through easy drag-and-drop design of digital user journeys across multiple applications and ecosystems.

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“Continued expansion of the digital economy and evolving threats command the need for businesses and consumers to establish trust on demand. This means truly knowing who you are doing business with and enabling secure transactions from any location, at any time,” said Christina Luttrell, Chief Executive Officer, GBG Americas (Acuant and IDology). “We are excited to partner with Ping Identity to empower businesses with the best in fraud-fighting technology.”

For more than 20 years, Acuant has worked with leading global partners in every major industry to secure, scale and streamline trusted transactions. Acuant’s integration with PingOne DaVinci delivers access to a complete Identity Proofing Suite for KYC, EDD, CIP, and ongoing fraud and risk management. AI-powered identity verification, regulatory compliance(AML/KYC) and digital identity solutions deliver unparalleled accuracy and efficiency that balance security with customer experience. The result is the most accurate risk-decisioning that allows businesses to move faster and deliver the best experience across all channels.

“Ping Identity is committed to expanding our technology partner ecosystem to deliver better, more frictionless customer experiences,” said Loren Russon, the SVP of product management at Ping Identity. “Our partnership with Acuant leverages PingOne DaVinci’s seamless orchestration to ensure dynamic user journeys are delivered quickly and efficiently at every stage of the user journey.”

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