Global Cybersecurity spending to surge by 15% next year, fuelled by Gartner

Global Cybersecurity spending to surge by 15% next year, fuelled by Gartner

Security spending is predicted to rapidly increase in 2025, by just over 15 per cent over the course of 2025, hitting a new high of $212bn, according to the latest predictions from analysts at Gartner.

This significant growth is widely driven by the increasing adoption of AI, as well as expanding the need for cloud and consultancy services.

AI and particularly GenAI adoption are pushing organisations to invest more in application security, data security, privacy measures and network infrastructure protection.

Gartner predicts that by 2027, 17 per cent of cyberattacks or data breaches will involve GenAI elements, and this ongoing threat requires increased investment in security.

Also read: Top Cybersecurity Trends Impacting Businesses

In particular cloud security spending is set to expand, with cloud access security brokers and cloud workload protection platforms projected to reach $8.7 billion in 2025, up from $6.7 billion in 2024.

The skills shortage in cybersecurity will continue to boost investment in consulting, professional and managed services.

Achi Lewis, Area VP EMEA for Absolute Software, said: “The increased global spending on cybersecurity is no surprise. Our Cyber Resilience Report states how over half (54%) feel their organisation’s security team is unprepared for evolving AI-powered threats, highlighting the need to increase cyber budgets in order to keep up with the increasing misuse of AI.

85% of CISOs are sending their C-Suite on AI training courses as AI-driven cyber threats continue to advance in complexity, proactive measures, in order to safeguard sensitive data assets and mitigate the associated risks. We urge organisations to strengthen the cyber skills of their staff, clear visibility and effective control over networks, as well as a robust cyber resilience structures in order to cope.”

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