Group-IB and Defence Technology Institute join forces to build secure digital environment in Thailand

Group-IB and Defence Technology Institute join forces to build secure digital environment in Thailand

Group-IB, a global cybersecurity leader headquartered in Singapore, and Defence Technology Institute (DTI), a government agency under the supervision of the Minister of Defence of Thailand, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to enhance knowledge sharing and collaboration in the development of Defense Technology Institute Cyber Academy Program. This MOU reflects the shared commitment of both organizations to strengthen defense cooperation through research and educational initiatives in the field of cyber investigations and  incident response. Group-IB and DTI aim to foster a strong relationship that will contribute to a safer and more secure digital environment in Thailand.

The signing ceremony took place on May 26 in the Defence Technology Institute, located at 47/433, Office of the Permanent Secretary for Defence Building, Bangkok. The agreement was signed by General Choochart Buakhao, the Director General of DTI, and Mr. Dmitry Volkov Group-IB’s CEO & Founder.

Having more than 19 years of experience in cyber crime investigations and incident response engagements all over the world, Group-IB regularly participates in cross-border operations targeting digital crime and shares its knowledge and data on cybercriminals’ infrastructure, methods, and tools with its global partners and law enforcement  worldwide. As per the MoU, Group-IB will support DTI in сybercrime investigations, and incident response operations.

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Together with the DTI Cyber Academy Program, Group-IB’s cyber education unit will develop a variety of training programs, where DTI personnel will be able to uplift their skills using Group-IB’s battle-tested technologies for fighting against cybercrime in line with Group-IB’s mission.

The DTI Cyber Academy will utilize Group-B Threat Intelligence, Managed Extended Detection and Response (MXDR) technologies to provide the DTI team with practical skills and real-world attack management experience. For the first 10 commercial classes of Cybersecurity Advanced Training, instructors from Group-IB will lead the sessions covering the areas of Blue Team Analysis, Threat Intelligence Analysis, and Incident Response.

“Cyberspace is a sprawling frontier that demands a continuous commitment to its defense,”  General Choochart Buakhao said. “Leveraging Group-IB’s experience and technologies, DTI aims to further strengthen its cyber defense capabilities. I believe that our collaboration and joint projects on industry-specific topics will also help to promote knowledge sharing and innovation in the cybersecurity domain in Thailand”.

“We have been working in Thailand for years to build trusting relationships not only with commercial partners but with the education and government sector as well,”  said Mr. Volkov, Group-IB CEO “I’m pleased to bring this relationship to the next level with DTI. By leveraging our joint expertise and resources, we are poised to make significant strides in advancing cybersecurity research and development. In line with our global strategy, in every region of our operations, we ensure local governments, businesses, and people feel more secure in the digital space”.

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