Privacera Data Access Governance Solution Now Generally Available For Databricks On Google Cloud

Privacera Data Access Governance Solution Now Generally Available for Databricks on Google Cloud

Privacera, the cloud data governance and security leader founded by the creators of Apache Ranger™, today announced its automated sensitive data discovery, fine-grained access control, and encryption capabilities are now generally available to Databricks users on Google Cloud.

This latest offering is an extension of Privacera’s existing support across Google Cloud Storage, BigQuery, and Dataproc– making it the most comprehensive data access governance solution across all leading public cloud providers, including Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.

To learn more about how Privacera and Databricks provide unified, secure analytics, attend an upcoming webinar on May 12, 2021, or join Privacera’s sessions at Databricks’ Data and AI Summit May 24-28, 2021.

“With Databricks now generally available in the Google Cloud marketplace, our customers have flexibility to build an open lake house architecture with an open, scalable cloud foundation,” said Michael Hoff, SVP of Business Development and Channels at Databricks. “Leveraging Privacera’s advanced data discovery, access control, and encryption capabilities, our joint customers can unify their analytical workloads with enterprise-grade governance.”

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Privacera’s centralized governance and fine-grained access controls enable Databricks users to rapidly and securely access data distributed across multiple sources and applications and build predictive models using shared clusters. Features include:

  • Single pane visibility – Alleviates the need for Databricks on Google Cloud users to navigate multiple, disparate interfaces to govern data access. With Privacera’s granular access control, Databricks on Google Cloud users get rapid access to the data they are authorized to access, and administrators can dynamically create, enforce, and scale policies across all their data sources.

  • Automated sensitive data discovery – Automatically connects to cloud and on-premises storage services and databases that serve as the storage layer for Databricks, including Google Cloud Storage. Once connected, Privacera’s platform continuously scans data in near real-time and automatically applies tags, which can be easily used to prove compliance.

  • Fine-grained access control – Enables Databricks on Google Cloud users to implement access control policies at the column-, row-, and file-levels. This includes the ability to dynamically mask or redact data in columns, as well as filter data in table rows based on user attributes or conditions, enabling Databrick users to share authorized data to multiple users and comply with privacy and security mandates.

  • Encryption – Privacera Encryption Gateway (PEG) supports encryption and decryption of data at rest and in motion. With PEG, Databricks on GCP users can securely migrate encrypted data from on-premises data lakes to the cloud and safeguard it against breaches until it is ready to be decrypted for analytical purposes.

“Data science continues to evolve as a muti-player sport, and the need to provide centralized data access management and security has never been more important,” said Don Bosco Durai, CTO and Co-Founder of Privacera. “With Privacera’s capabilities, Databricks on GCP users will get the same, unified experience to perform their AI needs, with an advanced security layer to ensure the rapid access data teams need to perform their analyses securely.”

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