Additional Patches for the Apache HTTP Server Problem Released

Additional Patches for the Apache HTTP Server Problem Released-01

After government agencies like CISA reported that a vulnerability related to the Apache HTTP Server problem had been exploited in the wild, Apache announced additional fixes for CVE-2021-41773. 

The Apache HTTP Server Project’s developers recommended users deploy a remedy as soon as possible to avoid a zero-day vulnerability. 

Apache HTTP Server Version 2.4.50 was released by the Apache Software Foundation to fix two vulnerabilities that might allow an attacker to seize control of an affected server. One of the vulnerabilities, CVE-2021-41773, has already been exploited in the wild, according to CISA. The fix for CVE-2021-41773 in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.50 was deemed to be inadequate.

To Read More: ZDNet

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