Addlly AI Earns Prestigious IMDA Spark Accreditation, Boosting Singapore’s Digital Transformation

Addlly AI Earns Prestigious IMDA Spark Accreditation, Boosting Singapore's Digital Transformation

Addlly AI, a provider of custom AI solutions for content creation, has been awarded the IMDA Spark Accreditation by the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) of Singapore. The accreditation program rigorously evaluates companies based on comprehensive criteria, including technical aspects, security assessment, usability, reliability, and maintainability.

Addlly AI’s zero-prompt AI playground has successfully met these stringent standards. The accreditation is expected to open new opportunities for Addlly AI. This includes collaborations with government agencies and large enterprises and potential international expansion.

Read more – Addlly AI’s Zero-Prompt AI Playground Earns IMDA Spark Accreditation, Boosting Credibility in AI Content Creation

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