Intel Patches High-Severity Vulnerabilities in Ethernet Linux Drivers, NUC 9 Extreme Laptops

Intel Patches High-Severity Vulnerabilities in Ethernet Linux Drivers_ NUC 9 Extreme

Six new security advisories have been issued by Intel to inform customers about the availability of software and firmware upgrades that address a total of 15 vulnerabilities across a variety of products.

Two of the advisories have been rated as high severity. One of them outlines a vulnerability that affects some Intel NUC 9 Extreme laptop kits and can be used to escalate privileges by an authenticated attacker. Improper access control issues in the kernel mode driver have caused the flaw (CVE-2021-0196).

Three vulnerabilities affecting Intel Ethernet controller X722 and 800 series Linux drivers are described in another high-severity advisory. An authenticated attacker can use CVE-2021-0084, the most serious of the vulnerabilities, to escalate privileges.

To Read More: SecurityWeek

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