Intel Releases Fixes for Over 90 Vulnerabilities in Latest Security Update

Intel Releases Fixes for Over 90 Vulnerabilities in Latest Security Update

Intel’s latest Patch Tuesday revealed 41 security advisories, addressing over 90 product vulnerabilities. The majority have been patched, with some receiving mitigations. A critical flaw, CVE-2024-22476, with a top severity score of 10, impacts the Neural Compressor AI product, potentially allowing unauthenticated remote attackers to escalate privileges.

High-severity vulnerabilities were found in components like UEFI firmware, Arc & Iris Xe Graphics, and Ethernet Controller I225 Manageability, leading to risks like privilege escalation, DoS attacks, or information disclosure. Medium-severity issues were also addressed in numerous Intel products, enhancing overall security.

Read more – Intel Publishes 41 Security Advisories for Over 90 Vulnerabilities

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