Mobile Phishing Attacks Targeting Enterprises Increase

Mobile Phishing Attacks

Zimperium, a mobile security provider, announced the publication of its 2024 Global Mobile Threat Report, which identifies key trends in mobile threats over the previous 12 months. Researchers at zLabs have observed a marked increase in “missing,” also called mobile-targeted phishing. This technique uses a variety of strategies created specifically to take advantage of weaknesses in mobile users’ devices.

According to the report, 82% of phishing websites now target mobile devices. Cybercriminals, realizing that mobile is a major entry point to corporate networks and sensitive data, use techniques to target weak, unsecured, and unmanaged mobile endpoints to penetrate enterprise systems. This is known as a “mobile-first” attack strategy.

Read More – Mobile Phishing Attacks Targeting Enterprises Surge, Zimperium Researchers Find

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