Oscilar and Socure Collaborate to Streamline Identity Verification and Risk Management for Financial Institutions

Oscilar and Socure Collaborate to Streamline Identity Verification and Risk Management for Financial Institutions

Oscilar, a provider of AI-driven risk management solutions, and Socure, the provider of AI for digital identity verification, sanction screening, and fraud prevention, have announced a partnership.

This partnership aims to set a new standard in digital identity verification, fraud prevention, and risk management for financial institutions. By combining Oscilar’s advanced risk management platform with Socure’s industry-leading identity verification solutions, the collaboration offers a robust approach to fraud prevention, compliance, and customer onboarding.

By integrating Socure’s identity verification platform into Oscilar’s risk management platform, clients can now benefit from a comprehensive solution that not only streamlines the onboarding process and significantly reduces the risk of fraud, but also speeds up fraud and risk operations by 10x, from weeks to hours.

Read more: Oscilar and Socure Announce Partnership to Modernize Identity Verification and Risk Management for Financial Institutions

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