Pentagon releases zero trust strategy to guide DoD cybersecurity priorities


The Defense Department has officially unveiled a zero trust strategy and roadmap outlining how DoD components should focus their cybersecurity efforts and investments in the years to come in order to reach a “target” level of zero trust maturity over the following five years.

The federal zero trust strategy, published by the White House Office of Management and Budget earlier this year, was followed by the release of the DoD’s zero trust strategy. The strategy for the Department of Defense lays out a thorough and ambitious plan for defense components to achieve particular zero trust capabilities by 2027.

Also Read: Risks and Challenges of Migrating to Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA)

According to the foreword to the strategy written by DoD Chief Information Officer John Sherman, the goal is to counter a “rapid growth” in offensive cyber threats by moving away from a perimeter defense model to a “never trust always verify” mindset.

Read More: Pentagon releases zero trust strategy to guide DoD cybersecurity priorities

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