Recorded Future Exposes Malicious GitHub Campaign Distributing Info-Stealing Malware

Recorded Future Exposes Malicious GitHub Campaign Distributing Info-Stealing Malware

A threat intelligence firm, Recorded Future, has raised the alarm about a malicious campaign using a legitimate GitHub profile to distribute information-stealing malware. By impersonating legitimate applications, Russian-speaking threat actors have distributed various malware, including Atomic macOS Stealer (AMOS), Vidar, Lumma, and Octo.

The malware operations share the same command-and-control (C&C) infrastructure, indicating a centralized setup for cross-platform attacks. The GitHub profile, belonging to a user named ‘papinyurii33’, was created on January 16, 2024, and has been distributing malware.

Read more – Threat Actors Abuse GitHub to Distribute Multiple Information Stealers

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