SGNL Enters the Microsoft for Startups Pegasus Program- Microsoft Channels and Customers Can Now Access SGNL’s Robust Platform

SGNL Enters the Microsoft for Startups Pegasus Program- Microsoft Channels and Customers Can Now Access SGNL's Robust Platform

SGNL, a modern solution for privileged identity management, has recently joined the Microsoft for Startups Pegasus Program. As part of the program, Microsoft channels and customers will now have access to SGNL’s unique authorization technology that eliminates standing access to critical systems, significantly reducing the potential impact of an identity breach.

Regardless of how an attacker infiltrates the workforce, SGNL prevents them from freely navigating your environment and exploiting mission-critical systems such as Azure, AWS, GitHub, Salesforce, and more.

As a member of the program, SGNL will receive access to Microsoft’s extensive resources, including co-selling and co-marketing opportunities, channel enablement, technology resources, and more.

Read more: SGNL Joins Microsoft for Startups Pegasus Program

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