Conventional Security Tool Issues Can Be Overcome By Integrated Cloud-Native Security Measures

Cloud-native security

IT leaders point out that the security posture of organizations has been affected significantly in the dynamic digital ecosystems and cloud-native security platform integration is being hailed as an effective solution

CIOs are pushing for organizations to invest in integrated cloud-native security tools. These tools implement automation, intelligence, artificial intelligence, data analytics functionalities, and threat detection as part of the security architecture.

Security leaders say that in the present situation, firms need to adopt agile, scalable, and adaptable security architecture to be relevant and proactive against the cybersecurity incidents. CIOs acknowledge that organizations will not be able to cope up with present-day attacks with MSSPs and legacy security measures, as they are not compliant with digital transformation.

IT leaders say that cloud-native security platforms allow automation and control of functionalities across the entire IT stack. This enables optimization and streamlining of security processes – like better utilization of assets, increased productivity, more efficient ROI of investments, etc. Automation also allows for better understanding and tackling of interoperability issues caused due to isolated, multiple vendor services.

Cloud-based Security Solution Investment Increases, Shifts to Remote Working

CIOs point out that result-based and threat-driven security platforms will address the entire attack spectrum as compared to legacy measures which focus only on defensive tackling of an individual vector. Security leaders prefer modern security tools as they deploy machine learning and artificial intelligence.

These tools help solve issues generally faced by security professionals – risk scoring, threat intelligence, alert fatigue, experts shortage, detection of advanced continuous threats, to name a few. IT leaders say that such AI-based tools help to detect patterns in the rapidly increasing volumes of data.

Security leaders opt for modern security tools and platforms as they built to deploy high-definition and real-time visibility with an unrestricted view of the entire IT environment. This provides a valuable understanding of the organization’s attack surface, assets, potential risks and threats, threat handling, and rapid response to attacks.

CIOs acknowledge that due to the siloed and dissimilar security platforms, a huge expertise gap has been created. This has given rise to security alerts and events that continually plague the service and internal security teams in any organization of any size.

Cloud Security – What Enterprises Really Need to Know

IT leaders say that when orchestration and automation are combined with ML, AI, big data, analytics, cloud-native security tools, and multi-vendor threat identification, tackling cyber-risks can be done proactively.

Security teams point out that cloud-native security platforms can enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of security measures by bringing forward dissimilar data, workflows, processes, tools, policies, and reducing the complexity associated with such tools.

Organizations can easily bridge skill and expertise gaps by implementing such response and detection services. This will prove to be a better and more comprehensive approach to tackling cybersecurity incidents.