Five Major Cloud Security Threats to Watch in 2022

Five Major Cloud Security Threats to Watch in 2022-01

According to a report released by Ermetic, nearly 80% of firms surveyed had at least one cloud data breach in the last 18 months, with 43% experiencing ten or more breaches.

In 2022, here are a few cloud security threats that businesses should be aware of.

Permissions granted in excess
Identity and its entitlements play a significant role in the cloud security threat landscape. This refers to the identities of all persons and non-people in the environment, as well as their broad set of permits. Many businesses have little access to their environment’s identity inventory, as well as their effective permissions. Excessive permissions might be dangerous if entitlement management isn’t in place.

According to Gartner, 75% of cloud security breaches would be due to poor management of identities, access, and privileges by 2023. This is an increase from the previous year’s figure of 50% in 2021.

Misconfiguration of the cloud

Three-quarters of all cloud-based enterprises have some sort of cloud misconfiguration that compromises security. Default passwords, insufficient access limits, poorly managed permission controls, inactive data encryption, and other vulnerabilities are all common. Malicious insiders and the absence of security awareness are at blame for many of these vulnerabilities.

Companies might also add risks by attempting to customize their cloud usage through setting modifications or plug-ins. These haphazard changes can lead to configuration drift, which can lead to issues with availability, management, and security.

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APIs and interfaces that are not secure

Customers are often equipped with a variety of application programming interfaces (APIs) and interfaces by CSPs. In practice, these interfaces are well-documented to make them as user-friendly as possible for CSP customers.

However, if a customer’s cloud-based infrastructure interfaces are not properly secured, this can lead to problems. A cybercriminal can utilize the documentation created for the customer to find and exploit potential techniques for gaining access to and breaking out confidential data from an organization’s cloud infrastructure.

Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks

As a result of the increased number of cyber-attacks caused by the global pandemic, a growing number of businesses are moving their data control to the cloud. However, most cloud-based apps and vital internal operations are vulnerable to denial-of-service assaults.

A hacker uses a denial-of-service attack to overwhelm a system with more internet usage than it can handle at peak times. As a result, activities come to a complete halt, with internal users and consumers being unable to access the system, leaving the company unable to operate.

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In due course, businesses must devise strategies to prevent denial-of-service attacks before they cause substantial destruction. One method is to employ dynamic application security technologies, which check the web apps for risks while they are running and can detect denial-of-service assaults early on or before they begin.

Malware infections

Malware according to security teams isn’t usually an issue in the cloud, especially if security teams have previously established endpoint protection software and client-side firewalls. However, malware is a serious concern in the cloud, and security teams need numerous layers of protection to detect it.

The data accessibility of cloud services is ambiguous because it also means malware is readily available. Data and documents are continuously moving to and from the cloud, which indicates there are more chances for data to be hacked.

Once cloud malware has invaded a system, it spreads swiftly, allowing even more severe threats to enter. As the infection runs, it can send out protected data or use keyloggers to obtain access passwords. Malware’s damage will only grow if it goes undetected.

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