How AI Security Improves Analytics and Detection of Sophisticated Cyberthreats

AI Security

As the market for AI cybersecurity technologies expands, AI in cybersecurity can be considered a welcome ally, aiding data-driven organizations in deciphering the incessant torrent of incoming threats.

Malicious actors and cyberthreats are exploiting new ways to plan cunning and more effective attacks as a result of the constant evolution of new technologies in the cybersecurity landscape.

AI in cybersecurity can be seen as a welcome ally, helping data-driven organizations to understand the constant stream of incoming cyberthreats, as the global market for AI cybersecurity technologies is predicted to grow rapidly through 2027.

Natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) are AI technologies that offer quick real-time insights for analyzing potential cyberthreats. Additionally, as more data is gathered, using algorithms to build behavioral models can help predict cyberattacks.

Together, these technologies help companies strengthen their cybersecurity defenses by enhancing cybersecurity response speed and accuracy, enabling them to adhere to security best practices.

Can cybersecurity and AI coexist?

Cyberattacks are increasing at the same rate that more businesses are adopting digital transformation. AI and ML can defend against these sophisticated attacks because hackers are carrying out increasingly complex attacks on business networks.

In fact, these technologies are increasingly being used by cybersecurity professionals as standard tools in their never-ending battle against malicious actors.

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Additionally, many time-consuming and tedious cybersecurity tasks can be automated by AI algorithms, freeing up human analysts to concentrate on more difficult and crucial tasks. This could enhance the effectiveness and overall efficiency of security operations.

Policies that adhere to the lowest common denominator put organizations at risk, and manually reviewing and modifying them for each organization doesn’t scale.

Instead of relying solely on conventional one-factor or two-factor authentication, AI could assist businesses in detecting and thwarting such sophisticated and targeted attacks.

AI-based behavioral biometrics that are based on user navigation, keystrokes, and time spent on a page can be used to validate the user. To combat the rapidly expanding online fraud, businesses can use AI to help them transition from static user validation to more dynamic risk-based authentication mechanisms.

Traditional security architecture security issues

Security tools typically only use signatures or attack indicators to recognize threats. While this method can quickly recognize threats that have already been found, signature-based tools are unable to find threats that have not yet been found.

Organizations require assistance managing and prioritizing the numerous new vulnerabilities they discover every day because conventional vulnerability management techniques only react to incidents after hackers have already exploited the vulnerability.

Security teams must spend a significant amount of their time figuring out which set of workloads belong to a particular application because the majority of organizations require precise naming conventions for applications and workloads. By identifying patterns in network traffic and advising on security measures like functional workload grouping, AI can improve network security.

How AI security is transforming threat detection and response

Complex pattern detection is one of the most successful uses of ML in cybersecurity. Cyberattackers frequently use stolen passwords, encrypted communications, record deletion or modification, and network hiding to avoid detection.

But a machine learning program that recognizes unusual activity can catch them in the act. Furthermore, ML can spot movements that traditional methodologies miss because it analyzes data patterns much more quickly than a human security analyst.

An ML model, for instance, can identify risky trends in email transmission frequency that could result in the use of email for an outbound assault by continuously scanning network data for variations. By ingesting new data and reacting to shifting conditions, ML can also dynamically adapt to changes.

What to anticipate in 2023 for AI-based security

AI will significantly increase detection effectiveness and optimize the use of human resources. Organizations that do not use AI, however, will turn into easy targets for enemies using this technology.

Also Read: The 2023 Cybersecurity Outlook – Addressing New and Bigger Threats

Threats that are currently undetectable by conventional stacks will be found, through the use of these new tools, platforms, and architectures. More AI/ML models will be pushed to the limit to be able to prevent, detect, and react on their own where possible.

Better compliance will lead to better identity management, which will enhance the defensive stance of AI-driven cybersecurity organizations. The current uses of AI in cybersecurity are primarily centered on “narrow AI,” which trains the models on a particular set of data to produce predetermined results.

There is a huge potential for ‘broad AI’ models in cybersecurity in the future, and even as early as 2023. These models train a large foundation model on a comprehensive dataset to detect new and elusive threats faster.

As cybercriminals continuously develop their strategies, these broad AI applications would open up more predictive and proactive security use cases, allowing organizations to stay ahead of attackers rather than adapting to existing techniques.

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Swapnil Mishra is a global news correspondent at OnDot media, with over six years of experience in the field. Specializing in technology journalism encompassing enterprise security and cybersecurity technology trends, Swapnil has established herself as a trusted voice in the industry. Having collaborated with various media outlets, she has honed her skills in content strategy, executive leadership, business strategy, industry insights, best practices, and thought leadership. As a journalism graduate, Swapnil possesses a keen eye for editorial detail and a mastery of language, enabling her to deliver compelling and informative news stories. She has a keen eye for detail and a knack for breaking down complex technical concepts into easy-to-understand language.