How Leaders Can Plan On Building Pre-Emptive Security Programs

How Leaders Can Plan On Building Pre-Emptive Security Programs-01

In today’s business world, security leaders need to examine their organizations’ models, document risks and develop a strategic plan to address those risks.

Organizations that don’t fully understand the current cyber security threat landscape can find it challenging while figuring out the right action, let alone build robust security programs. When people put money against data security plans without understanding the threats they are dealing with, or what problem they are trying to solve, the challenges are amplified.

During the Mandiant Cyber Defense Summit, the president at security services company Ardalyst,  Michael Speca explained that security leaders need to rethink common cyber security myths and re-evaluate how cyber security fits in their current risk mitigation approaches.

Secure and Not Secure

Security is not a fixed plan, and the common misperception is to think of the organization as secure or not secure. The reality lies somewhere in between. There is absolutely no one-size-fits-all approach to what organizations need to do. The first thing one will think about is how valuable is that data? How much is it worth protecting? The second thing that comes to one’s mind is to think about is what types of people are going to be interested in trying to steal or damage that data?

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IT leaders then also would ask themselves questions about what kind of measures they need to stop or limit the ability of someone who wants to damage or steal that property from getting to that property.

Thinking about the threats and which ones are important also plays an integral part in cyber security planning. The leading risk of cybercriminals targeting companies using a ransomware attack could be vandalism defacement of the website, or something more dangerous.

Cyber security strategy is an on-going process. As Speca said, after identifying the different kinds of threats that could disrupt the environment, it is crucial to set up mitigation measures to handle such situations.

Kill Chain Disruption

Cyber-attacks may seem sudden and unexpected. But most of the times they tend to be the culmination of a long chain of events. Several steps are required to compromise the network and steal valuable information. Hackers will figure out all entry points and incorporate them in their targets, along with a plan to identify assets worth compromising.

Defenders do not need to out-hack the attackers, and there are several different points in this kill chain where defenders can quickly stop the attackers. Understanding the environment and the available countermeasures is essential. If nobody is guarding the door, no matter how many locks one puts on the door, someone will surely eventually going to be able to break it down. Therefore, leaders require people to monitor the cyber security program.

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Many organizations lack clear visibility into the effectiveness of into their security controls’ which often fail, allowing breaches to continue to create impact.

Therefore, cyber security experts need a proactive, easy means to assess and monitor their security programs. A well-planned defense strategy to control security threats can only solve this entire problem.

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