Effective Strategies to Improve and Strengthen Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Effective Strategies to Improve and Strengthen Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-factor authentication increases the safety of usernames and passwords. However, depending on the MFA method, it may not provide sufficient protection. It is time to make the MFA strategy more resilient to improve security functions.

Wrong password habits are common among digital businesses. Unfortunately, they often cause significant data breaches, phishing attacks, and maximum malware attacks. Many companies struggle with keeping multiple passwords.

They also use weak passwords or use non-secure methods to keep passwords safe. Due to these reasons, businesses fall prey to attackers, which results in significant business losses. Companies must implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) to improve their IT security.

Although advanced MFA is effective at blocking fraudulent sign-in attempts, there are still many incidents where the MFA system weakens down and can’t function appropriately. The reason?

Businesses need to look for ways to improve MFA strategy as a priority. Implementing multi-factor authentication is necessary, but keeping it fully functional, advanced, and alive is even more vital.

Here are the ways security teams can gain insights to strengthen MFA strategies and keep their businesses safe from malicious attacks.

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Strategies to Strength & Prevent Multi-Factor Authentication

Implement Domain Security Features

It is a must to check multi-factor authorization continuously to prevent vulnerabilities. So, to strengthen the MFA factors, security teams must emphasize implementing domain security features. The function disallows non-verified servers and users to operate any code or allows them to add or remove codes to keep it functional.

MFA features need constant updation processes embedded with them. The process will help MFA systems to function with updated versions and provide high security against exploits. In addition, the updated domain security features need to rely on host names linked and accessible simultaneously.

Add Stronger Authentication Protocols

The best way to restrict multi-factor authentication (MFA) vulnerabilities is by adding security keys or TouchIDs in applications based on security protocols. One of the essential protocols is the usage of a one-time passcode (OTP). The protocols help minimize the attack surface vulnerabilities of OTPs at platforms like SMS, emails, or on MFA platforms.

There are policy controls set primarily for phishing attacks because phishing attacks mostly happen on primary credentials of MFA and 2FA-protected applications. Authentication protocols can help avoid the manipulation of authentication methods if, by any chance, any phishing attacks happen.

Authentication protocols will require dedicated users to enter a code to access MFA. The codes prevent users from mindfully accessing the authentication when needed, and can thus prevent attacks. In addition, using the new passwordless authentication functionality is safer too, since functionalities rely on asymmetric keys to verify a user.

Leverage Risk Detection Functionality

A dedicated monitoring system to identity and access management is a way better option to strengthen and prevent MFA from phishing attacks. A risk detection functionality in monitoring systems can sort historical authentication logs and create a preventive data baseline. The tool can detect suspicious and unauthenticated logins. Each of such events goes under different risk scores. Administrators can identify the risk levels through the scores and remediate them immediately.

The monitoring system also highlights unfamiliar locations, track devices used for phishing, and read attack patterns of attacks immediately. When added to the MFA system, the risk detection functionalities can filter and alert admins and security teams of suspicious login activity and associated unauthorized users. This is an effective way to improve the MFA strategy on implementation.

Workforce Training

Organizations should promote security awareness training to employees and end users. Security teams must educate vulnerable possibilities, risks associated with phishing attacks, and how the attacks can harm businesses.

So, teams should prepare employees about types of phishing attacks on all authentication verification systems. These efforts can make a big difference in preventing multi-factor authentication systems.

Teams should also explain the advanced functions of MFA and get inputs into what could make the adjustment of preventive measures easier. If employees participate in preventive solutions for MFA, organizations may have a better chance of successful MFA adoption, implementation, and prevention.

Passwordless MFA for Phishing-Resistant Attacks

Phishing attacks focus on authentication processes. On top of that, data safety and cyber security regulations threaten organizations with fines and reputational damages. The advanced solution to replace password-based logins with MFA is to adopt passwordless MFA. Passwordless systems are one of the safest preventive phishing-resistant attack measures.

It is one of the best MFA best practices to prevent vulnerabilities and eliminate weak passwords. Passwordless systems improve the support system for MFA and provide offline verification of the authentication system. MFA can use appropriate information about connected devices, user locations, and user behavior without a password.

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Combine MFA with Single Sign-on (SSO)

Another efficient way to strengthen and prevent MFA is enabling single sign-on (SSO). SSO creates a single identity security portal. The gateway allows users to access the core functionalities of the MFA system. Security teams can combine standard passwords with biometrics and one-time passwords.

MFA systems can stay protected under double network security using a single portal and additional identity verification factors. SSO reduces employee workloads, connects remote workers to cloud networks under protected layers, and provides instant access to resources of the MFA system.

In addition, SSO also prohibits repeated passwords and weak passwords that are easy to hack. The one-time login mechanism automatically logs in authorized users into the systems. They can get access to enter systems using MFA codes only once. The SSO system improves user experience and makes MFA a secure addition to all business devices, infrastructure, and cloud systems.

Strengthening and Preventing MFA is a Continuous Process

Improving, strengthening, and preventing MFA is not a one-time thing to do. Companies must see the authentication of systems as a continuous process. And the need to reinforce the measures and secure them is the second important thing to consider continuously.

Regular security audits and constant attention are necessary to keep multi-factor authentication systems alive, advanced, and fully functional. New phishing techniques emerge rapidly. So, it makes the teams update MFA systems to mitigate the attacks proficiently.

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