Steps IT Security Teams Can Take to Reduce Employee Burnout and Stress

Steps IT Security Teams Can Take to Reduce Employee Burnout and

To build a transparent security culture and avoid shadow IT, companies must take strategic steps to reduce user stress. They need to prioritize user productivity by providing the right tools. Automating as many processes as necessary is also critical.

Balance has never been more crucial than it has been in the last two years. The toll that workplace demands and burnout can take on employees is at an all-time high, and it’s at the forefront of people’s minds.

Employee burnout has many ramifications, including disengagement, apathy, and other more serious mental health issues, which security leaders must address.

Practical Security Measures

Although combating employee burnout may appear onerous, security teams can take simple initiatives to streamline and reduce user burden when it comes to security.

Develop a Security Culture That is Open and Transparent

To create a safe environment for employees to ask questions and have open interactions with security, it’s essential to cultivate a proactive and participatory security culture. Security teams must promote and enforce clear data-use policies. They should be transparent about what they are collecting, monitoring, and doing with it.

Investigate with Empathy

When security teams notice potential data leaks or exposure from insiders, they should assume the users’ intentions are good and handle the problem with empathy. This entails asking questions to better understand the situation and a clear plan for reversing the action before it leads to any damage to the company. 

Also Read: Top Four Strategies to Prevent Cybersecurity Burnout

User Productivity Should Be a Priority

IT security must equip users with the tools they need to complete their tasks — and make it simple for them to contact the right people if they wish to use a different method — so they don’t have to go around security.

They should share best practice guidelines for usual company processes like exchanging files externally and make this information readily available to users. Users will be less burnt out in the first place if security can prioritize their work preferences.

Security Best Practices Must Be Standardized

Unfortunately, there is no silver bullet for security and technology teams that are chronically underfunded and work in a continuously evolving environment where zero-day vulnerabilities, data loss incidents, and other threats are commonplace. The one piece of advice that security teams should follow is to automate.

Fire drills should become standard operational practices, and processes should be automated if possible. Security teams should build processes to handle the most common security alerts that demand the most standard response, freeing time to focus on serious security concerns.

Security leaders should examine aspects like employee retention rates and workplace burnout along with the broader push toward more empathic workplace cultures. 

Security leaders and their teams play a critical role in helping build a safe work environment for employees. When they collaborate across the entire organization, they can have a greater impact on the company’s overall security culture and innovation, ensuring everyone’s mental health and well-being are prioritized.

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