Three Best Practices for Forming a High-Performing Cybersecurity Team

Three Best Practices for Forming a High-Performing Cybersecurity-01

Effective cybersecurity involves the significant deployment of technology, procedures, and people in every firm. Also, if companies get the people right, the other two aspects will fall into place. To achieve peak performance, cybersecurity teams, like sports teams, must be properly developed and maintained. They don’t just form themselves.

Here are a few practices for building winning cybersecurity teams.

Create a welcoming environment

An inclusive culture that embraces people from all walks of life is required for a high-performing cybersecurity unit. Teams made up of people from different backgrounds will always triumph over homogeneous teams. Businesses must keep in mind that cybersecurity is a people-oriented endeavor. Technology is created and used by humans, and technology is protected by people. Hence, at the heart of it all, security teams must be as varied as the challenges they are attempting to address, since diversity is the only way to achieve the highest level of security.

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Recognize that cybersecurity is a human issue rather than a technological issue, and set priorities accordingly

Many people believe that before computers and networking, there was no such thing as cybersecurity. That is correct up to a point. However, every single cybersecurity attack was started by a person, and every single mitigation and reaction was implemented by a human as well. Computers do not attack computers unless they are specifically instructed to do so by a human attacker. Systems do not scale a defense until a defender instructs them to do so.

That’s not to dismiss the significant advancements in cybersecurity solutions that are now taking place. Every week, more sophisticated biometric scanners, behavioral analytics, and machine-learning-based methods for detecting zero-day threats are announced. These do help to increase security. Businesses, on the other hand, think that, despite all of these advanced technologies, human interaction is still required to make a purchase choice, implement, and incorporate them into a solution. This crucial component—the human—has the greatest influence on cybersecurity success’s return on investment (ROI). A firewall or intrusion prevention network that hasn’t been set properly by a trained human will never function successfully.

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Build psychological safety for teams to empower them

Highly effective security executives foster an environment in which people are encouraged to think for themselves. Establishing a psychologically safe work culture, similar to creating a safe place to fail, empowers people to do what has to be done without continual supervision.

Employees must be given autonomy in their areas of responsibility so that they may take ownership of their areas of expertise. Robotic employees are unwelcome in the workplace. The idea is to instill confidence in employees so that they can make better judgments on their own.

Employees will avoid venturing outside of their comfort bubble and just do what they are taught in a workplace where public criticism is common. For fear of being criticized, they will be less eager to provide new solutions that may lead to improved methods to assess data or expedite operations.

Employees have the opportunity to feel important by becoming part of the solution by developing a psychologically secure atmosphere that enables them to utilize their creative side. This pushes them to become more self-reliant and innovative in their thinking.

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