Why Enterprises Need to Embrace a Cloud Security Maturity Model in 2022

Why Enterprises Need to Embrace a Cloud Security Maturity Model

The explosion of cloud computing has increased security concerns at most organizations, which are still grappling with how to integrate one or more cloud platforms into their environments safely. Businesses require better protection as their attack surfaces grow.

The cloud has expanded the attack surface, as per Gartner’s recent report Top Trends in Cybersecurity for 2022.

Even as the expansion of cloud computing slows, it is projected to continue as more companies seek the efficiency and flexibility it provides. Simultaneously, with more moving parts in the form of hybrid and multi-cloud cloud settings, sophisticated software architectures, and skills shortage in cloud security, securing these systems is becoming increasingly difficult.

Adopting a Cloud Security Maturity Model

In today’s fast-paced environment, a cloud security maturity model can aid in reducing complexity. Cloud security best practices and compliance requirements provide enough safeguards, but they can sometimes operate against each other. Even though compliance criteria are broad and require context to enforce, best practices can be quite specific, covering only a few activities while leaving gaps in the overall security mesh.

Center for Internet Security (CIS) benchmarks, for example, are an excellent resource and one that many businesses want to comply with, but they don’t give a roadmap for implementing them across cloud infrastructures. A cloud security maturity model can assist organizations in assessing their present degree of preparedness in each cloud security domain and setting practical and strategic goals to progress to the next level.

Time and a future-focused comprehensive strategy are required for processes that involve a seamless transformation in the cloud and when it comes to utilizing cloud technologies. Because it’s impossible to mature an entire enterprise and its infrastructure in a single step, a cloud security maturity model ranks enterprises into different maturity levels, allowing security teams to assess which capabilities they already have and which they’ll need to advance to the next level.

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Moving to the next level is difficult, but a cloud security maturity model offers a way to spell out the needs so that all stakeholders can understand, and it helps inspire the entire business to move forward. This vendor-neutral strategy lays out specific objectives and the resources required to achieve them. Instead of looking at available solutions and adjusting their goals according to those offerings, being vendor-agnostic allowed enterprises to focus more on their own growth strategies – to set the agenda and then locate the right-fit provider.

Guidelines for Implementation

A cloud security maturity model is not a step-by-step guide with tutorials and assignments or meant to recommend a particular set of technologies or suppliers. Its goal is to assist security teams and other decision-makers in determining what questions to ask, when, and to whom. This is critical, especially in the current environment, where there is no single path to cloud security success. Implementation strategies can help enterprises focus on essential aspects of their cloud security maturity model. However, each enterprise has distinct cloud requirements and security problems that must be met.

As the reach of cloud solutions expands, it’s critical to keep track of progress and analyze security outcomes to plan the next steps. As the cloud matures and expands, so does the reliance on it. Now is the moment to address existing security issues and those that pose a threat to cloud expansion in the future.

A cloud security maturity model should not be considered a silver bullet since the work is never done. Instead, it provides an effective roadmap that must be re-evaluated regularly as an organization’s demands evolve over time. It’s crucial to remember that reaching cloud security maturity takes time and is an ever-changing goal.

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