Ironnet announces agreement to provide one of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries with collective defenses to the country’s most important infrastructure

Ironnet announces agreement to provide one of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries with collective defenses to the country's most important infrastructure-01

Ironnet (NYSE: IRNT ), an innovative leader in transforming cybersecurity through collective defense ℠, today Signed a multi-year contract with one of the Gulf Cooperation (GCC) countries (unpublished to protect the country’s operational security), the country’s most important government, financial, and infrastructure companies’ defense against cyberattacks Announced to improve.

The GCC member countries will use Ironnet’s AI-based advanced Network Detection and Response (NDR) solution and IronNet Collective Defense ℠ platform. Facilitates real-time collective cyber defense with key ministries and businesses, as well as public and private organizations, and more quickly detects vulnerabilities across the most critical industries and government sectors.

With the Amazon Web Services (AWS) backbone of the Ironnet Collective Defense Platform, the country quickly deploys solutions to hundreds of enterprises for a comprehensive cyber radar dynamic understanding of corporate network threats. It can be maintained at network speed. The deal announced today is the largest AWS cybersecurity ever deployed by Ironnet in the region.

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Keith Alexander, co-CEO and founder of Ironnet, said: “We are proud that our collective defense platform has been recognized in this visionary GCC member country. This platform is more anonymized and real-time in response to hostile forces in cyberspace. It realizes a proactive method. In order to support the strengthening of the country’s cyber security system in the face of rising cyber threats, the realization of public-private partnerships is an essential element. ”

The Ironnet Collective Defense Platform is the first automated cyber solution to provide threat knowledge and intelligence to the entire industry at machine speed. The platform leverages advanced AI-powered NDR capabilities to detect and prioritize anomalous activity within individual corporate network environments. It also analyzes threat detection results across the community to identify a wide range of attack patterns and provide anonymized intelligence to all members of the community in real time, giving all members insight into possible upcoming attacks. Find out early. This improved understanding of known and unknown cyber threats, combined with the ability to work together in real time, enables faster triage and stronger response capabilities, helping to increase the effectiveness of cyber defense.

Government agencies and private organizations around the world, including the United States, have already adopted Ironnet’s collective defense platform to build a dedicated community to protect the country’s, state and region’s most important infrastructure. These communities are able to dismantle traditional silo structures, prioritize threat alerts, share intelligence, triage threats, and aggregate resources against attacks that target multiple departments with the most critical infrastructure at the same time. , Can be the main body of cyber defense.

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