The city of Vienna obtains the IEEE AI Ethics certification label, reinforcing its commitment to a digital humanism strategy

The city of Vienna obtains the IEEE AI Ethics certification label_ reinforcing its commitment to a digital humanism strategy-01

The IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to the advancement of technology for the benefit of mankind, and the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA ) announced today that the city of Vienna has become the first city in the world to achieve the IEEE CertifiAIEd AI Ethics (AIE) certification for advancing the city’s digital humanism strategy.

“With artificial intelligence, we can make many administrative tasks more efficient and faster. As the city of Vienna, we are playing a leading role here, ”said Peter Hanke, City Councilor for Economic Affairs. “Especially in direct contact with people and especially when dealing with data, caution is required. People are at the center of our concerns. ”

The IEEE CertifAIEd label recognizes that a product, service or system has been verified to meet relevant ethical criteria, contributing to a higher level of trust and demonstrating a proactive approach to gaining public trust in systems of ‘IA. There are currently four sets of criteria available for the IEEE CertifiAIEd certification:

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  • Transparency criteria relate to values ​​embedded in the design of a system, as well as the availability and disclosure of choices made for development and operation.
  • Accountability criteria recognize that system / service autonomy and learning capabilities are the result of algorithms and computational processes designed by humans and organizations who remain accountable for their results.
  • Algorithmic bias criteria are concerned with the prevention of systematic errors and repeatable unwanted behaviors that create unfair results.
  • Confidentiality criteria aim to respect the private sphere of life and the public identity of an individual, group or community, thus preserving dignity.

“The IEEE has laid the foundation for the ethics of artificial intelligence based on principles and standards created by hundreds of our volunteers over the past five years, which are already having global repercussions,” says Konstantinos Karachalios , Managing Director of IEEE SA.

“IEEE CertifAIEd represents our continued evolution of the artificial intelligence ethics ecosystem by establishing a program to instill confidence and a means towards the responsible implementation of AI systems that demonstrate the commitment of an organization to preserve human values, dignity and well-being, and to respect, protect and preserve fundamental human rights.

We are honored to work with the City of Vienna to support its Digital Humanism platform and provide the label for responsible innovation needed in today’s world to inspire certified confidence in its AI systems. ”

The IEEE CertifAIEd program aims to build confidence in public and private companies that understand the ethical benefits of artificial intelligence by obtaining certification in the absence or in addition to widely accepted and enforced regulations for it. IA.

As proposed legislation in the EU would require certification of conformity for any AI-based system to mitigate any unforeseen risks, the city of Vienna is addressing these risks and demonstrating the benefits of an innovation. responsible government by obtaining the IEEE CertifAIEd label. In doing so, it sets a precedent for other cities and entities to achieve their goals in a responsible and human-centered manner.

“Security and data protection must be at the forefront when using AI from the very beginning. This is why we drew on international expertise during the development of the software and carried out the ethical certification of our program ”, states Peter Weinelt, Deputy Managing Director.

Cities, entities and individuals wishing to know more about the criteria or to participate in the program can visit the IEEE CertifAIEd site .

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