Trend Micro Generates Double Digit Growth with Microsoft Azure


Trend Micro Incorporated , a global cybersecurity leader, today announced strong growth momentum across multiple areas of collaboration with Microsoft Azure.

Kevin Simzer, Chief Operating Officer (COO) at Trend Micro, said, “We are a pioneer in cloud security and a trusted partner of Microsoft for 25 years, so we’re always looking for new ways to add value for our joint customers.

As we continue to innovate, our collective mission to make the connected world more secure will help organizations manage cyber risk more effectively as they digitally transform.”

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The cloud industry continues to see strong growth momentum. Trend Micro assesses its year-on-year opportunity growth on the Microsoft Azure platform to be 70% in 2022.

Jay McBain, Chief Analyst at Canalys: “Microsoft Azure is the fastest growing of the top public cloud providers, with a Q2 2022 growth of 40%1. As many organizations continue their digital transformation, cybersecurity is integral to that journey.

Organizations must recognize the priority and invest in native cloud securities or partner services to ensure efficient and secure business operations.”

Thomas Grane, CIO/CHRO, Director of Technology and Organization, Matas, said, “I like to be ahead of the game, so as a company, we think about security very early. Trend Micro fits into that strategy well. Trend Micro puts much effort into connecting with us. That’s a very strategic move because that’s the only way to build a strong relationship.”

Trend Micro is a Microsoft Strategic 500 Customer and Global Gold ISV, with a strategy announced last year of building cloud-based security solutions on Microsoft Azure and generating new co-selling opportunities.

The latest such growth and collaboration areas include:

  • Enhanced capabilities for better visibility and attacked surface management through Trend Micro Vision One and Microsoft Sentinel integration.
  • Strong network security in both on-premises and cloud scenarios continues to provide excellent opportunities for co-selling
  • Build on Microsoft Sentinel and Dynamic 365, Trend Micro Managed Service is set to list on Azure Marketplace and be ready for IP co-selling.
  • Streamlined industry solutions provide robust, streamlined cloud security to mitigate risk and support compliance across government, healthcare, finance, and manufacturing sectors.

Trend Micro currently has 12 listings on the Azure Marketplace, including seven IP co-sell ready, four transactable, and two MACC-eligible products.

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