AI Data Leaked to “LeftoverLocals” Attack via AMD, Apple, and Qualcomm GPU Vulnerabilities


Researchers have shown how a novel attack technique that takes advantage of a GPU vulnerability may be used to get potentially private data from AI and other kinds of applications.

Researchers at cybersecurity company Trail of Bits found the flaw, which they named LeftoverLocals and officially tracked as CVE-2023-4969. The CERT Coordination Center issued an advisory the same day that the company published a blog post outlining its findings. According to Trail of Bits’ tests, the impacted GPUs are from AMD, Apple, and Qualcomm.

The business also discovered that Imagination Technologies’ GPUs are also affected. Arm, Intel, and Nvidia products don’t seem to be impacted.

Read More: AI Data Exposed to ‘LeftoverLocals’ Attack via Vulnerable AMD, Apple, Qualcomm GPUs

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