Anviz Announces Launch of Next-Gen OSDP-Powered Access Control Solutions    

Anviz Announces Launch of Next-Gen OSDP-Powered Access Control Solutions    

Anviz has launched its next-gen access control solutions powered by Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP).

The C2KA-OSDP RFID keypad reader and SAC921 single-door access controller are future-proof systems with smart features and state-of-the-art technology. Both solutions aim to provide peace of mind and customer safety, delivering a complete security solution for the modern world.

The packaged access control solution that combines the C2KA-OSDP RFID keypad reader and SAC921 access controller is scheduled to be launched in the second half of 2023. Anviz plans to upgrade its products to sustain greater third-party solutions compatibility.

Read More: Anviz Launches Next-Gen OSDP-Powered Access Control Solutions, Setting New Industry Standards

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