Checkmarx Streamlines Remediation and Prioritization of Application Vulnerabilities within the ServiceNow Vulnerability Dashboard

Checkmarx Streamlines Remediation and Prioritization of Application Vulnerabilities within the ServiceNow Vulnerability Dashboard

Checkmarx announces the availability of an integration that allows AppSec and development teams to discover, prioritize, and remediate vulnerabilities found by Checkmarx One™ in the ServiceNow Vulnerability Dashboard.

The Checkmarx ServiceNow integration also allows teams to import project scan summaries and results within the Now Platform. The latest vulnerabilities found for each scan are accessible within the ServiceNow Vulnerability Dashboard as AVIs (Application Vulnerability Items).

The ServiceNow Vulnerability Response Application automatically finds vulnerabilities by building custom workflows and automation. This process accelerates the security workflow, ensuring an efficient vulnerability management process.

Read More: Checkmarx Streamlines Prioritization and Remediation of Application Vulnerabilities within the ServiceNow Vulnerability Dashboard

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