Cybersecurity Automation: Strength of The CISO Team


Before deploying cyber security automation, businesses need to do their base research. They need to identify the tasks that will improve with automation. These could be activities that are repetitive and standard in nature. Adopting automation may also drive better incidence responses in a cyber-attacks.


Speed is essential to fight the aftermath of a cyber-attack. Business downtime can be the single biggest impact on enterprises after a cyber-attack. Automation and AI in security tools bring much-needed speed, accuracy, and effectiveness to incident response.

The Need for Automation in Cybersecurity

Security automation platforms use machine learning algorithms to analyze large amounts of data from various sources. This could include network devices, applications, logs, sensors, etc. It can then detect patterns, anomalies, and correlations. These algorithms can also suggest potential threats or vulnerabilities based on this data.

Security automation has several advantages over traditional security tools. Manual processes can be inaccurate or slow. Traditional cybersecurity tools also cannot scale or capture increasingly complex attack vectors.

Automation tools in cyber security use ML, which enables a much faster and more accurate response process. It also helps in keeping enterprises complaint about privacy and data threats- which is helpful for regulatory purposes.

In addition, there are some newer challenges that cyber security teams face that need the automation of processes. Here are a few:

  • Increasingly Complex Cyber threats:

With increasing technology innovations, cybercriminals now have new tools and techniques to deliver more vicious attacks. Attack vectors stay concealed even during the attacks – by obfuscating and encrypting malware, changing its forms, and so on.

The increasing use of IoT devices and the frequent use of the cloud are attracting more vicious and widespread attacks.

It’s a challenge for manual processes to keep them under control. Automation tools are the need of the hour to fight these challenges.

  • Scarcity of relevant skills: 

As cyber security becomes increasingly more complex; the skill gaps are increasing. Qualified professionals are not able to deliver to the newer vectors. Enterprises need more intuitive and smarter tools to fight these newer challenges.

A workforce skill gap report from (ISC)2 says there were 3.12 million open cybersecurity jobs worldwide in 2023.

The demand for modern security skills is higher than the supply, so this gap will likely get bigger.

  • Limited Security resources:

To handle the growing number of security incidents, security teams often don’t have enough money, time, or tools. More often than not, they don’t have enough resources as well.

They need to prioritize the most harmful risks and work on keeping others on lesser priorities.

This can cause missed risks and vulnerabilities, or even slow down risk responses. This is a much bigger reason for damages during an attack incidence.

Also Read: Automation for Maximum ROI from Security Tech Stack in 2024

Benefits of Security Automation

By automating cyber security tasks, enterprises can free up human skills for more cerebral strategic tasks. They can plan for higher growth, actively identify threats, and conduct in-depth security analyses. AI tools may not be able to do these jobs as well as human minds. Freeing up human skills could add value to the product or solutions’ bottom lines.

Arming security teams with data and machine intelligence automation can help them deal with these problems. Here is what automation can do for modern security teams:

Threat detection:

Automation can help security teams find threats faster and more accurately by analyzing big data from different sources. It can also help them eliminate false positives and focus on important alerts.

Response to threats:

Automation can help security teams better respond to threats by carrying out structured strategic actions. It can also help them automate processes and workflows to make security work faster and more robust.

Threat prevention:

Security automation enables predictive responses, looking for and fixing vulnerabilities. This way, automation can help security teams stop threats before they do any harm. It can also help them test their defenses and simulate attacks to find and fix weak spots.

Key Components of Automated Cybersecurity

The key components of automated cybersecurity work together to create a complete and unified security solution. Several essential elements include:

TIPs: Threat Intelligence Platforms

TIPs are places where threat information is gathered, analyzed, and shared from different origin sources.

Threat intelligence details new or current cyber threats. These could be signs of compromise (IOCs), tactics, techniques, procedures (TTPs), threat actors, etc.

TIPs help security teams understand the threat landscape and know what’s happening in different situations. They also help them determine the most important threats and how to deal with them.

SOAR: Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response

SOAR is security orchestration, automation, and response capabilities working together. Security orchestration is all about integrating and coordinating different security tools and systems to create a unified security environment.

Automated security tasks and processes work better and faster. Responding to the situation in the event of an attack is as critical as staying secure.

Security response is a process that details the activities to be done in the incidence of an attack. SOAR makes it easier for security teams to work together, streamline their tasks, and improve their workflows.

Automated Penetration Testing

Automated penetration testing is the process of simulating cyberattacks on a system or network. It uses simulation tools to identify security gaps. It helps security teams determine the strength of their security- find and fix weak spots- and strengthen their defenses.

Manual penetration testing can do tests faster, more often, and more consistently than human testers. that’s how it differs from manual pen-testing.


Organizations can better protect themselves by automating the processes of identifying and responding to threats.

with traditional tools, companies may find it challenging to fight the modern complex and highly dangerous security risks. With automation, the agility and response time of the tool becomes much higher.

AI can analyze data to predict vulnerabilities in cybersecurity processes. This is one of their biggest advantages.

Automation speeds up the detection of threats. It thus makes investigation and response more efficient, and helps security teams be more productive.

Planning and following best practices is important to get the most out of cybersecurity automation.

Putting cybersecurity automation into place needs careful planning, setting priorities, and picking the right solutions.

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Swapnil Mishra is a global news correspondent at OnDot media, with over six years of experience in the field. Specializing in technology journalism encompassing enterprise security and cybersecurity technology trends, Swapnil has established herself as a trusted voice in the industry. Having collaborated with various media outlets, she has honed her skills in content strategy, executive leadership, business strategy, industry insights, best practices, and thought leadership. As a journalism graduate, Swapnil possesses a keen eye for editorial detail and a mastery of language, enabling her to deliver compelling and informative news stories. She has a keen eye for detail and a knack for breaking down complex technical concepts into easy-to-understand language.