Future Standpoint: Four Major Challenges for CISOs to Address


Information security is a dynamic field. Threat actors continuously seek new ways to breach networks and modify their strategies to fit current IT trends. To maintain effective security measures that protect against both current and future threats, Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) must always be prepared for the future.

The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) position is more crucial and complex than ever. Identity theft is increasingly committing ransomware attacks on businesses and individuals. According to the US Treasury Department, a monthly average of $102.3 million was reported for ransomware transactions by American firms.

CISOs now face a more comprehensive range of difficulties than in previous years due to the significant rise in hacking and security incidents.

Beyond external threats, CISO challenges also include ongoing difficulties with day-to-day operations, such as budget approvals, staff retention, stakeholder communication, risk management, and a host of other issues.

Let’s look at some of the top CISO challenges that will be of the utmost importance in 2023.

Also Read: Enterprise Risk Management Challenges

Credential stuffing attacks

Threat actors still regularly take advantage of poor password hygiene. A fundamental lack of security knowledge that permeates many organizations must be addressed by CISOs, in addition to the paucity of security capabilities. Organizations that have not adopted a culture that prioritizes security is at fault for this lack of knowledge.

Credential stuffing is one attack type in particular that makes use of bad password hygiene. Threat actors steal lists of the compromised username and password combinations and sell them on the dark web after data breaches.

Hackers with malicious intent are aware that users frequently use the same passwords across various platforms. A credential-stuffing attack aims to get access to accounts and services by using lists of compromised credentials.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), CAPTCHAs, and behavioral analytics are a few methods that CISOs can assist their organizations in defending against credential stuffing, according to industry experts.

Human Errors

The most frequently exploited types of security flaws are those caused by human behavior and innocent errors. Employees could be duped by a phishing scam or just unprotected access to company data on a remote device.

These behaviors make a data breach more likely and enable hackers to get beyond otherwise effective security measures. Reckless employee behavior exposes CISOs to risk; thus, they must examine firm security policies, educate staff members about cybersecurity threats, start new training programs, and continuously improve and iterate security measures.

Cutting-edge detection and response

More sophisticated threats get past perimeter-level security measures like firewalls or endpoint antivirus programs as hackers develop their techniques. After these initial restrictions are violated, businesses struggle to identify and address network threats. With ransomware or data exfiltration, hackers can advance laterally through the network and eventually cause significant harm.

Also Read: Protecting Enterprises from Black Hat Hackers

It is wise to take into account more sophisticated detection and response tools that currently detect threats skulking inside the network. Since these solutions generate fewer low-level alarms, security teams should be able to respond to threats more quickly. In an ideal world, CISOs would deploy technologies that make use of cutting-edge Machine Learning (ML) capabilities to counteract these more sophisticated network attacks.

Alert weariness

A tsunami of low-priority warnings and false positives puts CISOs at constant risk of alert fatigue. When preventing a data breach, firewalls, security tools, and other defenses generate thousands of daily events and pings.

In order to prevent them from mistaking serious risks for non-events and unintentionally ignoring crucial information, CISOs and their security teams are continuously searching for ways to manage system alarms that keep them attentive and on their toes while also reducing overall tiredness. Maintaining the strength of the security team and aggressively thwarting severe threats to a firm need actively combat alert exhaustion.

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