Hiring Best DevSecOps Team: Top Six Essential Skills Enterprises Look for

Hiring Best DevSecOps Team Top Six Essential Skills Enterprises Look-01

A specific set of skills and practical expertise is required to become an effective DevSecOps engineer. DevSecOps engineers should be well-versed in how security affects each stage of the development pipeline, as well as the final product or service.

With the advent of DevOps, product development and deployment have evolved, yet security remains the second most important concept. As a result, security is treated as an inherent component of the development process to protect enterprises from the escalating threat of cyber-attacks.

As a result, the job title of DevSecOps was created. This is the most prestigious and rewarding employment function, and it necessitates an extensive understanding of cybersecurity trends, in-depth technical knowledge, and a sufficient level of DevOps experience.

Here are a few skills businesses should look for when recruiting a DevSecOps team.

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Communication and teamwork skills

DevOps security engineers should be able to communicate effectively with the rest of the team in order to educate them on concepts such as automation, security, and scalability. Having strong communication skills aids in the proper delivery of the message. Long-term investment in communication skills will benefit both the organization and the individual.

Assessments of vulnerability

Risk assessment can be complicated, and DevOps Security engineers should be aware of this. They must keep their knowledge of cybersecurity threats and best practices up to date. Having worked as a non-DevOps security engineer in the past implies future success in the same field.

Cautious about what’s going on in the world

DevSecOps engineers are responsible for software development, recognizing security threats, and configuring network infrastructure, so they should be up to date on the latest cybersecurity threats and software. They should also be familiar with risk assessment techniques and the most up-to-date security best practices.

Keep up with the latest security knowledge

Risk assessment, new security, and threat modeling software, as well as compliance rules and cybersecurity risks, should be familiar to a DevSecOps engineer. IT, like the issues that security engineers must deal with, is constantly changing. It is the job of the DevSecOps specialist to develop bespoke tools for DevOps security.

Professionals should be fluent in at least one programming language in order to effectively cooperate with various teams inside the organization. They should also be familiar with AWS, Docker, Kubernetes, and how to use developer tools.

Also Read: The State of Enterprise Security in 2022

Security and compliance training

DevSecOps engineers should not only advise on security but also actively train their team members. The greater the integration of security into DevOps operations, the more efficient and reliable it will be.

Adequate knowledge regarding configuration management tools

There are several configuration management tools available, each with its own set of features and configurations. Knowing how to operate these gadgets will undoubtedly make everyone’s life easier. However, it’s just as crucial for businesses to maintain track of the requirements before selecting tools.

DevSecOps isn’t just about installing a framework; it’s about introducing a new developmental strategy to preventing and mitigating threats/attacks across the entire enterprise.

The procedure will take some time and can encounter various difficulties. Once the relocation is complete, putting security in place at each stage is extremely straightforward. Every security professional is motivated to be proactive in the workplace as a result of the approach.

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