How Enterprises Can Safeguard SaaS Data from Ransomware Attacks


SaaS data is not nearly as well secured as cloud or on-premises data, and ransomware attacks often successfully target and attack SaaS data.

The majority of the software used by modern businesses is delivered as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) by reputable and trusted SaaS providers, who spend a significant amount of money and resources securing their infrastructure.

Today, most businesses rely on SaaS vendors for the software they need, including CRM, ERP, and even office productivity tools, as many of their critical applications have been moved out of on-premises data centers.

Large businesses require these SaaS platforms and the data they hold to manage even routine operations, but this data is still not nearly as well secured as on-premises data because many in the IT industry still believe that the SaaS vendor will offer adequate security protections.

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Undoubtedly, big SaaS companies invest significant financial and human resources in maintaining the security of their infrastructure. However, under the shared responsibility model that almost all SaaS vendors adhere to, the customer is ultimately responsible for the data while the provider ensures that the infrastructure is secure. An enormous vulnerability exists if there is a gap because opportunistic threat actors are following the data into SaaS services and developing ever-more-sophisticated and successful ways to target it.

Safeguarding SaaS data from Ransomware Threats

The biggest difference, of course, is that IT does not have much control over the infrastructure in which their data resides. It’s not that IT professionals are inefficient; backing up SaaS data is a very different and complex operation compared to protecting on-premises or traditional data. IT completely relies on the APIs of the provider to access SaaS data. In their multi-tenant architectures, providers set hard limits on the number of daily API calls a single client is allowed to make in order to prevent performance degradation for other clients. Additionally, there is a variety of APIs available, each with unique features, benefits, and drawbacks. Backing up SaaS data is a challenging balancing act, but it is absolutely necessary because it is the last line of defense against ransomware threats.

IT has three primary options for SaaS data backup solutions. However, enterprises may not have the in-house expertise needed to build a secure and reliable SaaS backup solution that can meet their time objectives and recovery point. They can try to develop a solution on their own, giving them a lot of control and flexibility. If a market solution already exists, it will be difficult to justify the time and money spent even if an organization has the necessary expertise.

While some market solutions are free, they are often created for low-volume, simple data structures. Additionally, they might be difficult to implement and rarely provide support. The best option is typically a market SaaS backup solution from a provider with specialized SaaS platform expertise because it offers strong protection while freeing up internal resources to focus on other tasks.

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The IT department should ensure they have secure access to SaaS data in addition to having a reliable SaaS backup solution. Since security is a top priority for providers, it is unlikely that an attack on SaaS data will happen by compromising the SaaS infrastructure. Cybercriminals instead leverage malware, API leaks, or credentials that have been compromised or stolen. A single point of failure is created when access is granted using only a username and password – therefore, it is crucial to have a robust multi-factor authentication.

Ransomware does pose a real threat. Companies need to take it seriously, put mechanisms in place to safeguard their data from attack, and build thorough backups that can be quickly restored in the event of a successful ransomware attack. The ramifications of not doing so in a digital world that is dependent on SaaS applications can be significant.

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