Improving Cyber-security with Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA) provides efficiency and agility in its processes.
  • It will enable security teams to draw insights from large data volumes to deliver predictive security actionables.
  • This makes it a very useful tool for cyber security.

The rising cyber risks today make hiring enough experts for the job nearly impossible. The expanding threat landscape makes any solution fall short of eliminating the risks.

Cyber threats have grown more severe and more in volume. They are not stopping their onslaught any time soon.

By 2028, the global cost of cybercrimes, as per Statista’s Estimated Cost of Cybercrime Worldwide 2017-2028 report, is estimated to increase by 69% to 5.7 trillion U.S. dollars.

Due to the wide variety of cyber-attack types, enterprises need an agile and efficient tool to stay secure.

These tools should streamline and optimize operations, focusing on broader organizational risks and reducing human errors.

One of the smarter ways out is to deploy suitable RPA tools that support and adopt existing security frameworks.

Automation and AI can add value to security processes beyond expanding the team or adding generic tools.

Companies are increasingly realizing the value of RPA in running cyber security operations. Capgemini’s AI In Cybersecurity report states that 69% of enterprises studied consider AI necessary for cyber-security due to rising threats and ways to handle them.

However, some clear pathways exist for adopting RPS for cyber security organization-wide.

Enterprises need to first:

  • Define organizational risks
  • Find opportunities where RPA can solve those risks
  • Create an implementation plan
  • Automate workflows
  • Measure results and expand it for other security purposes

Robotic process automation can add an important layer to the overall cyber-security workflow. So, how does it improve the security stance of a modern enterprise?

Here are efficient applications of RPA for improving cyber-security.

1. Automating data enrichment

Since most companies inadvertently gather bad data with good, bad actors also get integrated into daily tasks.

In its blog, Gartner mentioned that organizations believe poor data quality is responsible for yearly losses of an average of USD 15 million. This makes them highly susceptible to cyber threats.

RPA bots can, in a continuous manner, analyze and structure data and help improve its quality.

The process runs through systems’ IP addresses, domains, logs, networks, and other online frameworks across the business. The process sets permission that validates data and ensures its quality.

Such processes generate reports analytics, and based on them, enterprises can identify which data are of low value and quality and remove them.

2. Limits Unauthorized Access

RPA blocks or limits all types of access to authorized users to prevent manipulation of sensitive data.

The bots continuously detect and find unauthorized access users who try to enter systems maliciously.

For example, businesses can set their robotic solutions for access control by programming three attempts to get permission to enter.

If three attempts are made, the bots automatically restrict access and put an alert notification directing to security systems, alerting teams about threats or risks.

This is how this AI tools blocks unauthorized access faster and prevents threats at scale.

Another way is when bots allow users to access systems only after qualifying security levels. The bots gain credentials, monitor, and log their data to match their system.

When these steps match, the bots accept the credentials and allow access. This is conducted to create an auditing system for which RPAs are ideal to improve cyber security systems.

There are more ways bots function in limiting such access:

  • Bots only allow users with credentials to access data in the system
  • Build customized automated processes through Active Directory integration to increase business efficiency
  • The bots add encryption to secure data. For example, encryption is done for role-based access to reduce internal security risks and protect against outside threats
  • Protect remote workspaces
  • Prevent human errors that cause password theft

3. Penetration Testing

RPA bots conduct penetration testing on computers and systems. They evaluate the security strength of the system and identify security gaps.

RPA bots are programmed to interact with systems, networks, servers, and devices specifically for security needs.

The bots then scan them, capture necessary data, test and detect potential threats, activate the response system, and generate reports. These reports are the results of the pen test simulation. With RPA tools, this vulnerability testing is far more agile and accurate than manual applications.

4. Software Updates

Software updates are mandatory and necessary to improve cyber security because they often carry patches of security loopholes.

Cases where companies have been under severe cyberattacks because they delayed their software updates are common.

A case in point is the American credit bureau Equifax, which faced a cyberattack that compromised 143 million records.

The attack was due to vulnerabilities that remained in web applications. This vulnerability was removed later after a software update. But the damage had been done!

To prevent such instances, companies can install RPA bots to create a reminder and notification for software updates.

Automating software updates eliminates cyber-attack risks by reducing software gaps and vulnerabilities, closing patches, and strengthening security measures.

Also Read: Security Risks and Challenges of RPA and Ways to Mitigate Them


While discussing these applications, companies should first identify the most suitable tool.

Custom-developed software and code can automate different analysis forms and are often used for a specific challenge within an organization’s requirements.

These applications integrate with organizational systems, gather intelligence, and perform analysis. They then take automated action or prompt security teams to take further action. In any case, the platform should be secured to protect all automation codes, algorithms, logs, and more.

Forbes’ blog, Top Cybersecurity Trends in 2023, states that companies that invest in AI and cybersecurity automation have saved an average of $1.76 million this year alone.

This could trigger companies to raise cybersecurity investments, particularly when prioritizing automating security processes.

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