Regulations and Compliance: Important Elements to Deal with Current Threat Landscape

Regulations and Compliance Important Elements to Deal with-01

As cyber-attacks continue to rise at an unprecedented pace, organizations are pouring money into incorporating the latest cybersecurity tools. However, the better and less expensive way to deal with the current threat landscape is by doubling down on regulations and compliance.

Since the onset of the COVID1-19, the cybersecurity infrastructure across the enterprise environment has suffered a lot. With constantly evolving cyber threats, the past couple of years have been plagued with an endless cycle of cybersecurity breaches. Security teams are constantly finding themselves struggling with these security threats.

For cybercriminals, the rapid digital transformation has provided them with immense opportunities to exploit targets. One of the most well-known attacks in today’s cybersecurity landscape is ransomware. For organizations that are already operating on a stringent budget, ransomware attacks can open the door for bankruptcy.

While investing in advance a cybersecurity solution is one way to go, it is not enough to secure the infrastructure. Instead, CISOs should suggest doubling down on their cybersecurity regulations and compliance to keep their critical infrastructure safe.

Here are a few ways that organizations can implement it:

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  • CISOs should ensure that critical infrastructure in place can fix bugs related to well-known cyber-attacks

As IT infrastructure plays a vital role in business continuity, it is critical that CISOs take the necessary precautions to strengthen the infrastructure. CISOs should take the bare minimum measures to keep their infrastructure safe from well-known vulnerabilities by patching bugs for commonly-known threats.

While asset inventory and management are essential for every enterprise, they play a critical role for institutions with older systems and technologies, especially if the organization knows that they are connected to the internet.

CISOs should frequently perform vulnerability scans and pen-testing. This will help them to better understand what threat actors may choose to target next. Identifying what vulnerabilities the infrastructure possesses is just the beginning; it is important that CISOs have remediation plans in place where the real defense occurs.

  • It is essential to have security controls in place to reduce the probability of attackers targeting critical infrastructure

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The recent cyber-attacks, such as the Colonial pipeline, sent shock waves across the globe. It highlighted the vulnerabilities that many organizations failed to address, thus having a damaging effect on their IT infrastructure. Not only that, it would severely hamper their ability to continue their business operations since most of their customers would hesitate to remain their partner.

Therefore, CISOs should ensure that the necessary tools are in place to prevent the next high-profile cyber-attack before it happens. They should ensure they have software updates, patch installations while testing data back-ups regularly to ensure they are available.

  • Organizations should have security control in place to prevent the same types of attacks from repeatedly occurring

In this stage, organizations should ensure that they have mandatory testing and reporting in place. Proactive, preventative security measures such as pen-testing can help the organization to identify blind spots in their security posture. It can help them to address recurring issues before it is too late.

Not only CISOs, but CIOs and other members of the board should prioritize the required security measures to avoid similar attacks from taking place in the future. However, while taking any initiative, they should have an end goal in mind and how the integration of new security controls will impact infrastructure and will positively affect the organization.

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