Three Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Help with Data Privacy and Protection

Three Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Help with Data Privacy and Protection
Three Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Help with Data Privacy and Protection

AI systems can be beneficial for monitoring and safeguarding all types of personal data, allowing businesses to ensure that their security measures adhere to all the privacy requirements and regulations in the industry. In ensuring high-end data privacy and safety, AI is emerging as a powerful technology ally for businesses.

Many businesses have already begun to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to protect sensitive and personally identifiable data. And this can be accomplished by using big data, AI, and machine learning to discover cyber-attack patterns and find solutions to improve data security.

AI and ML will alert the network user or admin as soon as it detects abnormal or unusual behavior when running a service or application in the network or system. It can also automatically detect and block unauthorized data transactions, dangerous websites, and other suspicious activities. In a security incident, AI can also help quickly roll back to a previous secure endpoint.

Also Read: How Organizations Can Ensure Data Privacy Framework with Data Protection

The three areas of privacy and data management where AI has the most impact are as follows:

Privacy Concierge

AI systems act as a “privacy concierge” for the network infrastructure in identifying, redirecting, and processing privacy data requests considerably faster than doing it manually. AI tools can also handle complicated data demands more efficiently while keeping costs down.

Classifying and Organizing Data

AI is thought to be highly effective in classifying data and organizing it. And this means that AI systems can quickly examine existing corporate data and change privacy requirements as a central management unit.

Management of Sensitive Data

AI can handle and process sensitive data requests on its own, ensuring that data does not fall into the wrong hands. It reduces the possibility of human error in industries looking to add an extra layer of data privacy.

AI systems can efficiently evaluate and use data for various reasons, but they are blind to the implications of the data. This is why AI tools are thought to be more successful at managing vast volumes of sensitive data while also making the network and system more secure.

Also Read: Artificial intelligence: The Next Big Thing in Security

AI for Enhanced Protection from Malware and Phishing

Phishing and malware attacks can be avoided with the proper application of AI-driven data security solutions. AI systems can instantly identify questionable links in phishing emails by thoroughly examining the messages. This includes the content of the message, links, metadata, attachments, and the sender.

Any threat signals will trigger an alert and a warning to defend the systems and network from phishing attacks. Some AI and ML systems can even examine the message context and determine the subject-content relationship. Businesses can use behavioral analysis to combat cyber-attacks like social engineering and phishing effectively.

Ransomware, malware, and advanced persistent threats can be detected using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. They can quickly examine enormous amounts of historical data and generate cyber-attack patterns. When AI detects an irregular pattern, it can help develop a countermeasure. That is why many businesses leverage AI and ML to assess and monitor user data workflows in real-time. This aids the development of more effective intrusion detection systems, allowing network administrators to notice and respond to attacks quickly.

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