Top 3 Ways to Build Security Into Digital Transformation

Top 3 Ways to Build Security Into Digital Transformation

There’s no denying the importance of digital transformation, which includes benefits such as automating processes, streamlining work, and improving insight into organizational data. However, growing pains are an unavoidable part of digital transformation, and they can be compounded if businesses do not take precautions to protect their efforts.

The fact that digital transformation is necessary does not imply that it is easy. Change is difficult, and effective digital transformation takes a village, from IT associates and internal workers who assist with tool implementation to executives who communicate the initiatives to team members who interact with the new technology on a daily basis.

Although it’s difficult enough to migrate to new systems and adopt new protocols, there’s another important aspect of digital transformation strategy that’s often ignored. While the primary focus is usually on establishing infrastructure and educating staff, securing these innovative projects may often take a back seat.

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Enterprise companies actually cannot afford to make this error. There are some risks in starting a company online without adequately protecting it.

Here are four ways to make security a top priority in the digital transformation strategy.

Take a cautious approach to security

It’s a great idea to focus on the advantages of digital transformation, but it’s also important to consider the risks it can pose. These risks must be assessed when dealing with the sensitive and personally identifiable company and consumer data, as well as the potential to actually jeopardize the people’s health as well as the company’s reputation.

Many effective tools, ranging from multi-factor authentication (MFA) to penetration testing, can assist businesses in strengthening their security posture before attackers strike. A proactive approach to security helps to smoothly incorporate it into the digital transformation vision and prevent challenges later.

Eliminate silos and conduct audits

It’s important to secure digital assets from the inside out. Legacy architectures are developed for unique compliance and governance programs, which may create issues as companies modernize their operations. Organizations are walking a fine line between access and enforcement to keep up with the speed of technology and new legislation like GDPR.

Despite the fact that it can be time-consuming, smart businesses should keep track of who has access to what information and audit themselves on a regular basis to strike a balance between ease of work and ensuring that sensitive information does not fall into the wrong hands. Businesses can ensure that their employees stay efficient when their data is secure by placing systems in place to track this form of operation.

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Make executive communication about security a top priority

Security, like digital transformation, is a team effort that necessitates cross-organization collaboration. Consider all of the agencies and staff with varying day-to-day responsibilities, as well as the access or approvals they all need to complete their tasks.

In order to overcome possible points of friction and navigate speed bumps, strong executive support is essential. Clear executive communication about the benefits of digital transformation and why modern, often cumbersome security measures are needed also aid teams in comprehending the significance of these changes.

Instead of scaring workers into submission, businesses must describe the advantages of a stronger security stance, such as the ability to streamline processes and perform more effectively in the market.

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