Leveraging perseverance to push security measures in the post-pandemic world

Leveraging perseverance to push security measures in the post-pandemic world

Security leaders believe that enterprises have the capacity to persevere and achieve the next level of security maturity

CISOs acknowledge that perseverance has been the theme for the year 2020 and is expected to extend into 2021 as well. Security personnel say that it has been the watchword for several decades, so it is not a new trend.

However, the perseverance methods have changed over the years, and now organizations have reached the capability to achieve new levels of security operations maturity.

In the early days of cybersecurity, security measures were largely deployed as a game of mouse and cat. As more productive and effective security measures came up, malicious actors reacted with more updated and innovative techniques to circumvent the evolving defenses.

When it was realized that more than the attacks, it was the time and method of attacks, defenders continued to persevere and innovate services and technologies specially created for detection and response, sandboxing solutions, and threat intelligence management along with managed detection and response measures.

For the past few years, organizations have observed a shift towards creating a single security infrastructure for the acceleration of detection and response services. ESG previously started the use of the term Security Operations ad Analytics Platform Architecture. The term has consistently become more relevant to the current scenario.

CIOs have increasingly adopted product categories like SOAR services for real-world implementation. Extended Detection and Response solutions became even more popular in the year 2020. The XDR services were considered the top trends for CISOs to enable higher detection accuracy and improve security operations productivity and efficiency.

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Security leaders have pointed out that at each stage of evolution of maturity, the security measures have been built on core features of the enterprise. XDR requires various different tools that need to work together for effective detection and response.

Most of the initial measures have targeted a single vendor approach; however, it proved to be problematic as no enterprises started with a clean slate. Different departments have different budgets, and teams have implemented varying solutions.

CIOs point out, that organizations will not reach full maturity if systems don’t have communications between them. Seamless interaction is the need for harvesting the full value of XDR, SOAPA, and SOAR. It is also vital for ensuring expertise in advanced fields like threat hunting.

On the detection side, security policies need the capability to utilize a common language for understanding and productively use all the unstructured and structured data that was collated from the internal and external sources of an organization.

For the response side, solutions and tools need to be integrated so that with either human assistance or automatically, the right information can be transferred back to the relevant tools across the ecosystem for effective outcomes.

As organizations move forward, they should focus their efforts to ensure that security operations move forward in a clear path. Leaders need to move towards a singular collaborative environment that includes incident handlers, threat hunters, and SOC and threat intelligence analysts—blending together internal and external threat and event data for building a broader vision of what is occurring within the unique environments. With such insights, security teams can easily understand and share knowledge of critical activity.

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They can easily access and target advanced threats without constantly shifting between tools. It helps them to make better decisions with higher confidence. CISOs reiterate that automation can be applied to an entire procedure or specific areas with better data, from collating intelligence to strengthening the sensor grid.