Why CISOs Should Reprioritize their DR Strategies

Why CISOs Should Reprioritize their DR Strategies-01

According to studies, businesses lose roughly five times as much data due to accidental deletions and overwrites due to malicious attacks. Accidental configuration, application, and user management errors can also cause systems to crash, data to be deleted, and costly outages.

To suit the current threat scenario, enterprises should pay more attention to cyber threats and reprioritize their disaster recovery (DR) strategies. Businesses must invest in staff training, automate functions in the disaster recovery process, and ensure that their disaster recovery plans and strategies are ready to deal with sudden, unplanned occurrences that threaten their company’s business continuity.

According to a study, 94 percent of businesses that suffer a catastrophic data loss fail to recover; 43 percent never reopen, and 51 percent close within two years. They face external consequences such as a loss of customer confidence and brand harm; internal consequences such as staff morale and resource diversion; and the third set of circumstances, litigation, and regulation, which can considerably influence corporate valuation.

Automation should be a top goal. It reduces human errors in routine activities, but it also frees up time for employees to focus on more strategic work. Over the last two years, businesses have expanded their expenditures on automation technologies, and they should continue to do so to boost productivity and improve security. For example, automating the disaster recovery process can reduce time and enhance overall response. Today’s applications and data sets are larger and more complicated, and more distributed and interdependent than ever before. This makes the proper recovery of even a single application — let alone entire sites — challenging, necessitating the orchestration of recovery operations.

Given the stakes, now is a good moment for businesses to look at their disaster recovery plans and procedures to ensure they’re ready to go quickly. Here is what is critical:

Also Read: Are Enterprises Ready for Modern Cyber Threats?

Examine the specifics:

It’s vital to have a plan that’s up to date and proven for a company’s specific business needs. Since the pandemic began, needs have most likely changed. Plan reviews need to be top priority, in these uncertain and challenging times.

Examine the supporting documentation:

Having complete, easy-to-follow manuals during system restores can save time and reduce stress. These are time-consuming to develop, and they should be evaluated regularly – preferably by the people who will have to use the documents once they’ve been dusted off.

Identity accesses should be updated:

Gaps in identity confirmation are likely to have developed due to changes in service utilization. When systems are down, ensure the proper individuals are permitted to conduct key system functions during the time-sensitive period.

Also Read: The Significance of Data Destruction for Data Security

Rethink DR/resilience plans:

Organizations should rationalize their plans to include end-to-end protection, from the workforce to the endpoint, as the use of external devices grows.

Increase the testing frequency:

Test each application separately to ensure that the important metrics are satisfied, primarily the recovery time objective (RTO) and recovery point objective (RPO).

Cyber-attacks are rising, and businesses must invest considerable resources to defend themselves. On the other hand, disasters come in a variety of shapes and sizes. IT teams should make sure their recovery plans and procedures are in place to ensure they’re safeguarded in the event of a disaster. It is essential to their enterprises.

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Swapnil Mishra is a global news correspondent at OnDot media, with over six years of experience in the field. Specializing in technology journalism encompassing enterprise security and cybersecurity technology trends, Swapnil has established herself as a trusted voice in the industry. Having collaborated with various media outlets, she has honed her skills in content strategy, executive leadership, business strategy, industry insights, best practices, and thought leadership. As a journalism graduate, Swapnil possesses a keen eye for editorial detail and a mastery of language, enabling her to deliver compelling and informative news stories. She has a keen eye for detail and a knack for breaking down complex technical concepts into easy-to-understand language.