XDR Technology Gaining Momentum as a Security Solution


The Extended Detection and Response (XDR) security solution promises enhanced cybersecurity visibility, improved detection, and active protection against threats. However, the full potential of XDR platforms may not be realized without re-thinking security analytics.

Organizations are now rapidly implementing XDR solutions as a response to new and advanced vulnerabilities that linger beyond the notice of traditional endpoint detection and response system. XDR provides visibility into the complete attack lifecycle from infiltration and lateral movement to exfiltration. It prioritizes hunting the next generation of threats that exploit vulnerabilities.

Just like EDR, which was an improvement on previous malware detection and antivirus capabilities, XDR too is an evolutionary advance designed to deliver enhanced performance for today’s demanding threat environment. Its capabilities are more refined and better suited to the current security context.

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Sanjay Raja, VP – Strategy and Technical Marketing at Digital Defense, says, “We are seeing how critical it is becoming to incorporate vulnerability and threat risk with threat intelligence as an important data feed to improve overall threat detection and response (XDR) programs and solutions leveraged by security operations centers (SOCs). This leads to the trend of improving overall threat response and remediation efforts in order to shrink dwell time (the time between an initial compromise that goes undetected to the point of discovery by security teams).”

Advantages of XDR

Companies struggling to understand the massive volume of data sent to their SOAR and SIEM platforms can benefit from the enhanced capabilities of XDR. With its advanced analytic capabilities and direct product integrations, XDR platforms can discover previously undetectable security issues, decrease the rate of false-positive alerts and reduce the burden on analysts.

The biggest advantage of XDR is that it can reduce the total dwell time of an attack. As per Verizon’s 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report, almost a quarter of breaches in 2020 went undiscovered for a month or longer. XDR solutions might prove to be a worthwhile investment with its ability to provide the visibility required to reduce the dwell time of cyber-attacks.

 Improved contextualization

With threats becoming more sophisticated and the data environment becoming more complex and cluttered, EDR is less of an effective standalone solution. Security alerts generated by traditional EDR are high in volume, which results in a high frequency of false positives. This increases the risk of legitimate alerts getting lost in the noise or ignored outright.

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XDR integrates advanced applications and technologies that are designed to surpass the limitations of EDR. It integrates enhanced visibility across the clouds, networks, applications, and endpoints, with automated detection and response tools that react quickly to prevent both existing and emerging threats.

Optimized threat prioritization

With XDR, anomalous behaviour or suspicious events that may slip through the cracks of EDR are elevated to a higher level of awareness.  It spotlights critical and relevant threats for the enterprise security team to focus on and also provides with tools necessary to contain an attack and reduce the severity and scope of incidents.

Enhanced Automation

AI and machine learning applications allow XDR solutions to keep pace with rapidly expanding IT environments. XDR can efficiently navigate diverse environments and manage vast data volumes. XDR also provides an advanced suite of analytics and reporting capabilities.

It can analyze activities to identify threat actor strategies and techniques to correlate otherwise innocuous behaviors that may not generate an alert with other activities when taken in context, indicates an attack. This kind of reporting alerts the security team to the presence of the threat, speeding up their response time and limits potential damage to systems and data.

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