ActiveState Has Joined the Python Software Foundation’s Trusted Publisher Initiative to Improve the Security and Reliability of Python Packages

ActiveState Has Joined the Python Software Foundation's Trusted Publisher Initiative to Improve the Security and Reliability of Python Packages

ActiveState, an Open Source Management platform for securing enterprise software supply chains, has partnered with the Python Software Foundation’s Trusted Publisher initiative to improve the security and reliability of Python packages on the Python Package Index (PyPI).

This collaboration demonstrates ActiveState’s strong commitment to the open-source community and its support for developers by offering a secure, verified method for publishing Python packages.

By contributing to the overall security of the Python ecosystem, this initiative enhances cybersecurity and provides enterprises with new ways to manage their use of open-source software.

ActiveState’s platform allows developers to automatically build, package, and distribute cross-platform Python wheels, simplifying the publishing process and protecting against emerging supply chain threats.

Read more: ActiveState joins Python Software Foundation’s Trusted Publishing Initiative to Enhance the Integrity of Python Packages as Part of Its Mission to Secure Open Source Supply Chains

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