APT Linked to China Caught Plundering IP Treasure Trove

APT Linked to China Caught Plundering IP Treasure Trove

To infiltrate enormous troves of very sensitive data, a state-sponsored threat actor devised a house-of-cards-style infection chain. Researchers from Cybereason’s Nocturnus Team have discovered a three-year-long, large, and extremely successful intellectual property theft effort.

According to the study issued Wednesday, the attackers were able to steal hundreds of terabytes of “critical proprietary information from technology and manufacturing organisations primarily in East Asia, Western Europe, and North America.” They did it by combining a complex infection chain with an “arsenal” of malware, including a completely new strain dubbed DEPLOYLOG.

The robbery went completely unnoticed by law enforcement.

Read More: https://threatpost.com/china-linked-apt-caught-pilfering-treasure-trove-of-ip/179503/