AWS Enables Server-Side Encryption by Default for S3 Objects


AWS has announced that all Simple Storage Service (S3) buckets now have server-side encryption (SSE-S3) enabled by default. SSE-S3 was first introduced in 2011 and handles key management, encryption, and decryption.

SSE-S3, which has been an opt-in feature up to this point, uses 256-bit AES encryption with AWS-managed keys. S3 buckets that don’t already have SSE-S3 as the default setting will now do so automatically, according to AWS. Customers of Amazon S3 can encrypt their data using one of three methods: SSE-S, AWS Key Management Service keys (SSE-KMS), or customer-supplied encryption keys (SSE-C).

Customers can also choose to client-side encrypt objects. The AWS CloudTrail data event logs will show evidence of the modification, according to the cloud services provider.

Read More: AWS Enables Default Server-Side Encryption for S3 Objects

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