FCC Proposes Stricter Wireless Carriers Data Breach Reporting Requirements


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is recommending stricter guidelines for wireless carriers to follow when reporting data breaches.

According to the FCC, the revised regulations will be consistent with recent modifications to federal and state laws pertaining to data breaches in other industries. The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) was first presented to the Commission by FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel in January 2022. The FCC has now opened a formal investigation into this matter and is taking feedback on the suggested rule modifications.

Also Read: T-Mobile Confesses Its Breach of Customer Data 

The current mandatory waiting period of seven business days before notifying customers of a data breach would be eliminated under the updated telecommunications carrier breach notification requirements, unless required by law enforcement agencies.

Read More: FCC Proposes Tighter Data Breach Reporting Rules for Wireless Carriers

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