eSafety Prepares For Online Safety Act

With a _3 Million Software Pilot and 20 Additional Employees_ eSafety Prepares for the Online Safety Act

With a $3 Million Software Pilot and 20 Additional Employees, eSafety Prepares for the Online Safety Act

The Australian eSafety Commissioner received AU$21 million in financing in the 2021-22 Budget earlier this month, with the money going into software, hiring new people, and continuing its work on technology-facilitated abuse affecting minors.

With Prime Minister Scott Morrison praising the 2017 Budget for “supporting Australian women,” eSafety spending fits under this category.

A “women’s online package” contains AU$15 million over two years for eSafety to improve its investigations capability (including the appointment of 20 additional people in anticipation of the passage of the Online Safety Act) and AU$3 million for a software pilot.

To Read More: ZDNet

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