Operation ‘Duck Hunt’ Disrupts the Qakbot Botnet

Operation 'Duck Hunt' Disrupts the Qakbot Botnet

Authorities have announced the international dismantling of the infamous cybercrime operation Qakbot, which infected more than 700,000 computers worldwide with ransomware and financial fraud.

Operation Duck Hunt, the operation that took down the Qakbot network, also distributed a program that would automatically remove the Qakbot malware from infected computers. The FBI was able to access the Qakbot infrastructure and identify more than 700,000 computers around the world.

It includes more than 200,000 in the United States, that appear to have been infected with Qakbot, making the Qakbot disruption “the largest U.S.-led financial and technical disruption of a botnet.”

Read More: Qakbot Botnet Disrupted in Operation ‘Duck Hunt’

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