Red Cross Falls Victim to Massive Cyberattack

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The International Committee of the Red Cross was the victim of a massive cyberattack in which cybercriminals seized data on more than 515,000 high-risk individuals, some of whom had fled the conflict. The attack compromised personal data and confidential information for more than 515,000 high-risk individuals, including those separated from their families by conflict, migration and disasters, missing persons and families, and people arrested. The body, headquartered in Geneva, had no clue as to who did this.

It said the hijackers had directed a foreign company in Switzerland that the ICRC was making data storage contracts. There is no evidence so far that the reduced information has been leaked or posted on a public domain. The ICRC said it was “deeply concerned” about the potential dangers of the violation – including confidential information shared with the public – to the Red Cross and Red Crescent networks seeking protection and assistance, and to their families.

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