Zoom Rolls Out Stronger Encryption for Customers


Zoom plans to strengthen its encryption policy for video calls hosted by paying institutions and clients such as schools. The feature update does not apply to free consumer accounts.

Zoom has attracted millions of paying as well as free customers amid the pandemic, providing more opportunities for troublemakers to slip into meetings, pretending to be invitees. A combination of safety, technological, and business factors went into designing the plan, drawing mixed reactions from the privacy advocates.

Law enforcement and safety experts have warned that sexual predators and other criminals increasingly use encrypted communications to avoid cybercrime detection. Charging money for promising end-to-end encryption is a great way to get rid of the spammers and other malicious actors who take advantage of the less-secure free services.

To Read More: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-zoom-encryption-exclusive/exclusive-zoom-plans-to-roll-out-strong-encryption-for-paying-customers-idUSKBN23600L